As You Wish



The next day, was different for me. For one I wasn’t in the hospital, but I woke up in my own room. I wasn’t in the hospital bed; I was in my own bed. Just remembering that I was alone again, there will be no John visits. There will be John calls, but I wouldn’t be able to see that smile, that just made my day only better.

Letting out a sigh and sitting up. The only feeling that was rushing through my body was sadness. The calls wouldn’t be enough; I needed to see that face and that smile, the toss of his bangs if they happen to fall in his face. I stared at the carpet; I was depending on John to make my life easier.

Hearing my house phone go off was a bit of a surprise. I looked at the time, seeing that it was indeed too early for a phone call. My guess was that it could sales people. Getting enough strength to raise my body off my bed, I walked over to my phone.

“Hello?” I asked dully, I wasn’t in the mood to get offered a life supply of something useless.

“You just woke up huh?” John’s voice is what I heard on the other end.

“John?” I asked and felt a smile grow upon my lips.

“Oh yeah baby, I’m John.”

I laughed at him, already feeling like I use to. I didn’t know that it just took his voice to make me feel better. “What’s up?” I asked.

“Hmm, well I have some news for you.”

“Is it bad or good news?” I asked, my eyes narrowing.

“Well, it’s good, depending how you take it.”

“Then you better start talking John.”

Hearing the line go silent for moment, only made me more freaked out. “Well, talking to the tour manger for some time. Like half the night, we decided to make this tour some kind of donation towards some hospitals that need the money. So we’ll be selling shirts, pins, anything that represents a person supporting the small cancer foundation that we made up.” John explained.

Hearing his words made me speechless. I didn’t think or would have through that someone would go through the trouble or change something, to help out some people that are diagnosed with cancer. I was smiling now, that he and the other bands wanted to help out.

“John, that’s really great. I mean it would mean so much to those people. Knowing that a tour wants to help them out will only make them feel better about themselves.” I finally spoke.

“I know it would, I thought it was a pretty swell idea. Yeah I said swell, don’t pass any judgments. But the problem is that we’re short with some help with the merchandise, we need someone to sell it, and they would be working at our stand and of course they will get paid for their help.”

“Okay? So when will you start hiring people?”

“Well, I’ve got one person in mind; there are a few others and they already on board with the idea. All I have to do is ask you. So would you join the tour and help sell the merchandise?” John said too kindly.

Thinking over the idea of joining their tour, to help out other people with cancer, didn’t sound bad at all. “Yeah I would love to help out John.” I said a little too quickly.

“Great. I’ll swing by later tonight to pick you up, so you have to pack for the total of 4 or 3 months.”

“3 or 4 months, John I have a day to pack for that long!” I said and sighed deeply.

“I have faith in you Ella, and if you need anything you can just get it on the way. Shop as we tour.”

“Oh that’s really comforting John. Ugh, I better go than, if I have to pack. It’s going to take all the time I have.”

“As you wish Ella.”

“John, you never asked me yesterday, do you really mean that?”

“Bye Ella, I’ll see you tonight.”

“John?” I said and sighed deeply, I only heard silences. “John… JOHN!” I yelled into the phone. I groaned knowing he hung the phone up. He had to answer that question some time.

Continuing my day with packing, it got annoying really fast. I didn’t know why packing was so stressful. I mean if I had a few days noticed about this, it probably wouldn’t have been as stressful. Just as the clock struck 8 at night, I was done with the packing. I had decided that packing was annoying and I won’t be doing for a long time after this.

Finally got something in my stomach, I really needed the food. My eyes wondering over to the clock seeing that it was now 8:30, I let a sigh escape from my lips. I slowly headed for my couch, just as my butt touched it, there was a knock. Groaning at the attempt of relaxing and it failing just made me slightly more annoyed.

Heading towards the door with low shoulders, I opened the door to see Kennedy there. He was smiling big, I’m pretty sure he got the news that I was going. Or he wouldn’t be standing there. “Well hello there kind sir.” I said with a smile.

“ELLA! I’m so glad you’re going with us. That gives us time to hung out, I personally think you hang out with John too much. It sure can’t be good for your health.” He said as he put his arms around me, giving me a big hug.

“I’m sure that John can’t get me sicker that what I already am.” I said laughing at him. I hugged him back and looked over his face. “So where is this dude at?”

“I forced him to stay at the venue; I wanted to pick you up. After a few moments of straight fighting, I eventually won. And here I am, here to pick you and your luggage up.”

“That’s not weird…” I said a little slowly, letting him entered my house and picking up whatever he could.

Kennedy laughed slightly, joining him with the picking of my suitcases; we headed in and out of my house until the car was packed. Driving to the venue wasn’t awkward, with him there was something to talk about, and I was either laughing or giggling when I was with him.

Once getting to the venue the first person that I saw was John, for he was the only one that stood out from the rest. Well that was for me, maybe towards another person it wouldn’t be him. The car was turned off and parked, I got out of it and rushed over to John, embracing him in a tight hug, him hugging me back the same way.

“I really wanted to pick you up Ella, but he did win and I was getting annoyed with his bitching.” John said and laughed.

“Its fine, I’m just glad to be with you now. But you have some explaining to do!” I said and pulled away and pointed my finger at him.

“What explaining do I have to do?”

“As you wish, explain to me why you won’t answer me when I ask if you mean it.”

“It builds suspense?”

“That’s the best you could come up with?”

“Ella, it’s rather hard to explain it. But I swear you’ll get answer.”

Staring into his eyes, I couldn’t help but to give up on it. I crossed my arms and kept staring, wondering on how I could just let that happen. He was good at that. “Fine, John.” I said and made a face.

After getting my suitcases in the one of the compartments on the side of the bus, we all entered it. It was small, there wasn’t too much room. But enough to move and walk. Both John and I headed for the bunk area, seeing the limited amount of bunks, my eyes wondered over to John.

“Don’t worry, we got it handled. One of us is sleeping on the couch. And don’t put up a fight with me Ella. We got it all settled. Kennedy is sleeping on the couch.” John said and smiled.

“WHAT!” I heard Kennedy yell; I looked over to him and laughed a little. “I don’t want to sleep on the couch John, make someone else do it man!”

“It’s for Ella…”

“Oh well in that case, I’ll be glad to just sleep on the couch!”

“I told you we got it all take in care of.”

“Oh yeah John, your really slick…” I said crossing my arms and looking over John’s face.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He said and stared back at me. We were looking at each for while, not really noticing anything else, well I didn’t seem to notice, being around him just made me feel alive and calm.

Both of us finally noticing that we were just standing there looking at each, the awkward feeling form. We both looked away quickly. A nervous laughed escaped both our mouths.

“I’m just going to go... over there…” John said heading towards one of the bunks and getting inside of it.

I watched him before turning my attention towards the rest of the guys, who were staring. I give them a small look, causing them to look away. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Kennedy. I really glad that my life was turning around. It wasn’t slowing me down.
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good or bad?
still wanna know,
comment please and thank you