As You Wish

Little Secret


Being on the road was more than I expected. There was a lot to do just to set up a stand at a venue. There was a lot of fans standing there waiting their turn to get a shirt or something. It was harder to deal with them when one of the band members stands next to you. Screaming, jumping, yelling, flashes, anything of that sort was something to get use to.

It has been a total of 3 days, and they had played 2 shows. I still wasn’t use to the whole commotion; I didn’t know that a person would get freaked if you knew a band member. You would then get the whole 21 questions. Answering them in short, one word was the best I could do with money and fingers being placed around my face or head.

Tonight would be their 3rd show, and their donations towards people with cancer couldn’t go any smoother. Yet again we were setting up the stand, it was easier this time around, me and another girl named Dana, had our own system of getting to the merchandise faster when we had to work.

There was a slight awkwardness between John and I. Once together we both would get quiet and exchange some kind of weird smile before going our ways. Kennedy noticed this quickly, I was a bit surprised he did. He was also helping us set the merchandise up.

“What’s up with you and John? I mean before you guys were pretty much glued together and now it’s like, nothing. Like you two don’t even care to talk.” Kennedy said as he started to hang some shirts up.

Simply standing there with my hands in a box, trying to separate the different kinds of shirts, my eyes wonder towards Kennedy. “I don’t know. It started when I asked about this line he says. And it means I love you, and now he’s like keeping his distances.” I said a sigh escape my lips.

“Maybe he loves you Ella…” Dana said in an awe tone, she brought the shirt she was holding to her chest.

“He can’t, I mean he shouldn’t be able to, it sucks for he already has someone.” Kennedy said like nothing, continuing his little movements between boxes.

Slowly looking over to Dana, who just looked mad, she threw the shirt at Kennedy. “How can you say that? That’s not even funny!”

Kennedy jumped at the shirt hitting his head, he grabbed it and pinned to the board. He looked over his shoulder to Dana and then slowly turned around. “He didn’t tell you Ella?”

I was now staring at Kennedy with eyes that could have shown hurt or sadness. Or even both for that matter. “Tell me what exactly?” I asked my feet having a mind of their own started to walk towards him.

“That he has a girlfriend, they been together for almost 4 months.” He said and looked between us, like he just said something wrong.

“Kennedy, this isn’t funny, this is serious!” I said and sighed deeply, taking a seat on the chair that was there. Now and then I would just randomly feel tired, but it wasn’t something new to me.

“Ella, I’m not trying to pull your leg, I’m being 100 percent serious.”

My eyes wondered the floor for some time before they slowly met Kennedy’s and Dana’s. “I don’t believe you Ken; I’ll just have to see for myself.” I finally spoke and bit my bottom lip.

“Or you could just ask him.” Dana said as she grabbed Kennedy’s arm quickly and rushed out of the corner where the stand was placed.

My eyes shifted to where they were standing to where they were heading, my eyes catching John who was heading my way. I slowly rose to my feet; I started to pretend I was sorting shirts or something along those lines.

“Hey there Ella…” John’s voice rang through my ears, the tone was just was sweet as when I heard it the first time.

“Hi John…” I said and slowly stopped my pretending and looked up at him; there was a water bottle in my face.

I looked at it and grabbed it. “What brings you here?” I asked I knew my tone was sounding a little nervous.

“I don’t know just wanted to check up on you. Because the last two days have been a little awkward, it was really hard to dodge.”

“No kidding. John I kind of want to talk to you about something.” I started and slowly put the water bottle down on the table. “There’s something I want to get cleared out of my head.”

John was looking tense; he shifted in his spot before slowly nodding. His hair falling into his face, he did not reach to fix it, he just let it be. “Okay… what is it?”

“Okay. Well I want to know… if you have a girlfriend that you didn’t tell me about.” I asked then quickly shifted my eyes to the table.

“Ella, I’m sorry that…”

“JOHN O’ SOUND CHECK NOW!!!” Jared yelled as he made his way towards the stage, with no hesitation to go where his spot was.

I looked up at John quickly and then looked over to Jared with slight irritation in my eyes. I sighed deeply and then just started to go back to unpacking what was needed.

“Ella we’ll talk later okay?” He said and grabbed my hand, before placing a kiss on in.

My movement stopping quickly at what he just did, I looked at my hand. Feeling the butterflies fill my stomach, I swallowed hard, hoping that would stop them. I slowly made eye contact with John. “Off you go…” I said and waved my hand, with the slightest smile.

Seeing his wide smile made my small smile turn into a larger one. He let go of my hand going his way slowly, watching him as he left, my smile wasn’t going anywhere. Listening to them play as I finished the setting up alone.

Slowly exiting the building I headed for the buses where some would hang out, I looked over to the side of venue, for there was already a line forming.

“Crazy, how they just start to form this early. But who could blame them; if I were one of them I would do the same.” Dana said approaching me, a sigh at the end of her sentence. “Ella sorry I didn’t help out. I thought you and John were still talking.”

My eyes slowly drifted over to her, my smile still wide. “Its no problem, I really didn’t mind it. I didn’t really get to talk to John, because right when he was about to answer me, Jared yelled out sound check. So we’re going to talk later.” I said stuffing my hands into my sweater pockets.

“You don’t think its going to happen huh?”

“Not a chance, mostly like one of us is going to forget and then the other one would be too nervous to bring it up.”

“You’ll get your answer Ella, there’s no doubt about that, either he tells you, or you just see him with her.”

“Oh yeah Dana, that’s so comforting…” a small smirk ruling my lips.

“I do my best.”

As the day continued everything was getting hectic, everything is supposed to be prefect by making this happen every person must do a double check of their positions. As for Dana and I both were walking in and out of the building, making sure we had everything.

Watching the place fill up with fans, made the atmosphere feel more exciting, soon the placed was filled with live music from the band that was playing first. It wasn’t longer either that we were rushing to get what the fans were asking for.

The Maine being the second band to play, that meant that they were able to hang out after like near the buses or with Dana and I. And we weren’t always the first choice, as for this time both John and Kennedy made an appearance with us. They were rushed by fans, they were taking pictures and signing stuff like there was no tomorrow.

“JOHN! Baby, you did so well up there. I’m so proud of you!” Was all I heard from the area we were in, my eyes not leaving the few shirts that were laid out in front me, I slowly grabbed the money.

“Veronica…” John said sounding totally shocked, which made me think if that was the untold girlfriend.

Finally letting my eyes look over to them, she was clung to his neck, as his arms were just spread out, her lips planted on his, him just standing there. I looked over to Kennedy, who just looked a little disgusted.

Once the business slowed down to where one person could handle it, I made my way towards Kennedy, who was just standing in the back. I stood next to him and crossed my arms.

“Believe me now Ella?” Were his words, he looked between me and the couple.

“Well its pretty much… there alive, so yeah I guess I do.” I said in a low tone, finding it hard to take my eyes off them.

“Hurts don’t it? It should hurt a lot because he didn’t tell you.”

“Yeah it hurts, but he probably has a good reason on why he didn’t want to tell me.”

“Well if you had feelings for someone and they weren’t going to your boyfriend, would you speak of them?”

Thinking over Kennedy’s words, I came to the thought where he was sort of right. I looked over to Kennedy and shrugged slightly. “That’s slightly confusing, but I don’t think I would speak of my boyfriend if I had one, or I would…” Simply getting confused on that little statement I stood quiet.

“Well he didn’t speak of her, because of the feelings that were developing for you Ella. Saying I have feelings for you but I have a girlfriend doesn’t really end well.”

“I suppose not. I can’t really do much about it.” I mumbled, seeing the two of them together. The feelings that were going through my body were confusing me. I could say that I was jealous, but I was happy that he was with someone. But she looked happier to see him then he was to see her.

The development of feelings that were growing between us seemed a lot more complicated than I would have thought. I didn’t have to speak of me ‘liking’ John; people either saw that I liked him a lot or a little. For what I know, the liking seemed slightly small.

Later that night after the concert was over, I was approached by the both of them, I was introduced to her and then she had to leave, due to some early meeting for work.

“Ella, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her.” John said after she left us. I looked over to him and shrugged.

“Its okay, Kennedy already spoke for you. So no worries John…”

“Wait what did he tell you?”

“Nothing, I just understand why you didn’t tell me about Veronica.”

“And…” John said as he stepped closer to me, I looked up at him.

“Don’t worry your little head off about it. You must be tired. Let’s go relax!” I said getting hold of his upper arm and entered the bus.

“Fine since I won’t get anything out of you.”

I sending a smile his way, I let go of his arm. I also was a little more tired than I usual was. I slowly sat down on the couch, feeling like I could just pass out at any given moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
awful ?
good ?