As You Wish

City Lights


Sleeping comfortable in the spot I fell asleep in was wonderful. I haven’t gotten a good night sleep in quite a while. Being warmer than normal, I was slowly waking up. There was an arm around my waist, confused on who it, I knew for sure it wasn’t Dana. Simply getting more comfortable, I slowly looked over my shoulder, John’s face close to mine.

Screaming at the top of my lungs, I jumped out of bed and watched as John shot up with fright; his face looking confused and tired. My screaming coming to an end, I grabbed his arm and yanked him out of bed. “You gotta go John!” I demanded and started to push him towards the door.

John with one attempt stopped me quickly and started to push me away from the door. “Wait just one second. Why do I have to go?”

“Hello! You have a girlfriend, and you’re sleeping in my room in my bed with me!! I’m not about to be accused of cheating with you! No way in this world will I be known as the girl you cheated with John.” I said pushing back against him.

“She’s not going to be mad. I’ll just tell her the truth that I fell asleep with you, that I wasn’t going to leave you alone Ella. That’s all and I’m not even lying about it.”

“She’s a girl! She’s going to think over wise! So I suggest you sneak into your guy’s room and into bed and pretend you were with her all night!”

“Ella calm down. You don’t have to worry about her. She knows that I’m close with you.” He said as he moved aside, allowing me to fall forward, I caught myself before I could fall flat on my face.

“No, no, get to getting! You need to go. You know too damn well that she isn’t cool with you being close with me. She could say it but won’t mean it! Girls can get really jealous and easily too.” I stated and crossed my arms.

“Ella, shut up.” John said with a short laugh. “Go get ready, I’m taking you out to get some breakfast.”

Staring at John, not moving from my spot, I couldn’t help but to be sucked into his personality. Watching as he pointed to the restroom, I laughed. “No, I’m fine.”

“Go now! Go, go, okay? Just go!”

“Shouldn’t you be taking your girlfriend out for breakfast.” I muttered under my breath, slowly walking to my suitcase.

“What was that?” John asked as he made his way towards me.

“I said okay.” I said laughing at his approached to me. I made it to the restroom.

“NO! You didn’t say that Ella!”

“I said okay. Okay?”

“Tell the truth!”

“I am John! Go get ready now!” I said closing the bathroom door, with a smile on my face.

“As you wish…” He said behind the close door.

“Call me when you done!”

“I will!”

“You better John!”

“You’re acting like my wife Ella. Cut it out!” John called out while laughing.

“Go out and do what a husband does! You just don’t treat me right anymore!”

“BYE ELLA!” John yelled. Laughing to myself, I continued to get ready; I took my shower and changed. There wasn’t a moment that went by that I wasn’t thinking about John. I wish that there was a way I could go a day without thinking about him.

There were feelings for him, feeling that I was denying completely, trying to convince myself that I didn’t like John only prove that I did. I was in denial. After I was done I stepped out of the bathroom, I put my shoes on after my socks. Hearing the phone rang right after I was done, I walked over it.

“Hello?” I answered, putting my weight on one leg.

“I told you I would call; I wouldn’t want my wife to be mad at me. Are you ready?” his voice asked at the other end.

“So you did. Yeah I’m ready…”

“Okay… be ready when I go pick you up.”

“But I just told you I was ready.”

Hearing the line go quiet for a while and then hearing him laugh. “Okay, I just meant be prepared for my arrival.”

“Preparing as I speak…”

“You’re kind of odd…”

The line went dead after he stated that. I simply shrugged at his comment and had to agree slightly. I hung up the phone and waited for the knock. It wasn’t long after until there was one. I headed towards it and of course he was standing there, but not alone, with Veronica. I wasn’t surprised to see her there.

As breakfast took its place, it wasn’t a bit awkward as I thought it would be. Who done most of the talking was Veronica and I; speaking over John when he tried to sneak in a word, we would just look at him before going back to our conversation.

After breakfast we headed for the venue, where Dana, Veronica and me started to fix the stand a little better since that night was a show. My eyes wonder over to the stage watching the guys fix it, putting up lights and such.

My eyes made contact with John’s as he placed the microphone stands in their rightful places. He smiled to me and waved slightly. I waved back before ripping my eyes off his and went back to unpacking some shirts.

As the night came, the concert started, it was the same routine; passing out the shirt, getting money, answering questions and sitting. Finally the show ended, for this night I was pretty exhausted. I stepped out of the building feeling the cold night’s breeze hit my skin, imminently getting the chills. I crossed my arms for some kind of warmth.

“Enjoy the show?” John’s voice asked from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to him and nodded. “Yeah, you did pretty well; really outgoing and exciting.” I said honestly to him. I looked back to my view, seeing the city, but it wasn’t too clear with the trees in the way.

“Come on, I know what your looking at, and I know where you could see it better.” John said as he slowly grabbed my hand, he started to lead me towards the buses that were in the small parking lot.

“But, shouldn’t you be with Veronica, I know she wants to be with you.” I said, following him. Being slightly curious on how this view could get better.

“Stop worrying for once; just go with the flow of things.” He said and then walked to The Maine’s tour bus; he walked to the back of it and pointed to the ladder. “Climb it, and if you fall I’ll catch you.”

“Oh, that’s comforting.” I said and turned to the ladder. I slowly started to climb, and got the top; I stepped onto the bus and carefully turned around and looked down at John.

I watched as he started to climb the ladder, he reached out for my hand that wasn’t even being offered. I grabbed his hand and slowly pulled him onto the bus. With a groan he slowly stood up and held onto me for support.

He slowly turned around, turning me around as well, he pointed to the city of L.A. where it was perfectly clear. To my amazement my mouth was slightly open. I looked up at John and smiled. He was already staring at me; I slowly got down and sat.

He joined me shortly after, the breeze was light but it was still rather cold, crossing my arms again, I kept staring at that city.

“Pretty huh?” John asked quietly.

“Very…” I answered back in a quiet tone, afraid to break the peaceful feeling that was entering the air. Feeling really calm, I felt even more tired. So I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“Ella, can you get rid of your cancer?” John then asked, keeping his quiet tone.

Hearing his question, I slowly swallowed hard. “Yes, but it’s a really hard to. Not many survive having cancer.”

“Maybe you can be one of the lucky ones who do.” He said with hope in his voice.

“Maybe John, we just have to wait and see.”

“Tell me right now, the thing you want to do before passing on. And you’re going to die at an old age not at a young age, by the way.”

Laughing slightly at him, I started to think of what I wanted to do. “Um, go to the mountains and hope that, that night I’ll see a falling star or a meteor shower. And then after just spend the rest of the time with someone I care for. I know it might sound lame, but I’ll be happy with that.”

“That doesn’t sound lame; it might be cool to see a meteor shower. Ella, I don’t want you die from cancer.” He said as he looked over to me.

“I don’t either John, but this happening there’s a reason for it. Sooner or later, there’ll be the answer to why I got this.” I said and looked back at him.

“We’ll get you through this Ella. Promise.” He said and held his hand out for mine.

I looked over his face slowly and couldn’t help but to smile. I put my hand in his and held onto it tightly. I slowly looked back at the city, it only looking more beautiful then it had a minute ago.
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