
Shake It Like Your About To Get Paid.

As their bodies slammed into the metal of the ship walls, red lights flashed in warning. Struggling to regain their balance they carried on running, clearly they were under attack. Either that or it was another false alarm. There had been three this month and it was getting pretty irritating. Each time it had knocked Dwayne out of a peaceful sleep which in itself was bloody rare.

Their shoes slapped against the floor as they reached the Captain's office. Dwayne yanked open the door to find Captain Drac impaled on an enemy spike. Bright blue was spilling down the Captains chest. Estrella let a small gasp slide away from her lips into the now silent room. The attack seemed to have subsided with Drac's death. The lights were no longer flashing as Dwayne walked over to the communicator.
"latest report," he choked out dryly.
"Captain Drac; status deceased," the gasps of the rest of the crew were not heard, but were clearly known.

The loss of the Captain had quite an impact on the crew of the ship. The missions coming in were slow. And any that actually came in were of rank F. The easiest of types. It seems the whole universe was mourning Drac. Estrella and Dwayne didn't go on missions for a while. They were left sorting out who would be suitable for the next Captain. A ship could not run with out a Captain. Someone needed to make sure everyone was running in harmony.