I Want to Be Free

Arianna Georgas loses her parents and is forced to move to La Push. While living with her uncle and cousin (Billy and Jacob) Arianna starts going into an emotional spiral. She keeps getting in fights with Billy and finally can't take it anymore. Charlie offers to let her move in with him and Bella until graduation. While living with Charlie Arianna meets the Cullen Family. She thinks they are all pretty cool, but Jasper catches her attention. When Jasper can no longer control his emotions for her Arianna is sucked into a whirlwind of love and emotion. Leaving her to decide between becoming a vampire or losing Jasper forever. When Bella anounces that she is marrying Edward, Jasper's brother, Arianna makes up her mind.
  1. I Want To Be Free- Welcome to La Push
    Arianna meets bella and learns of the hatred between Bella's boyfriend and her cousin Jacob Black
  2. I just knew
    Arianna is welcomed to La Push by a gang of her old friends and admitts she knows what they are. She also realizes she'll be friends with Charlie and Bella for a long time.
  3. Oh my, Seth
    Arianna thinks she is in love with Seth.