Please Remember Me

Part Of You Will Live In Me

“Mommy can we go get Brendon!?”
“Hold on a second sweetie,” My mother cooed as she tried putting on my shoes for the fifth time.
“Come on mommy!!” I said trying to get off the bed, but she held me on there and put on my other shoe.
“There,” She said standing up and picking me up off the bed. Once my feet hit the ground, I ran to the front door and swung it open, my mother followed a few seconds behind me.

“Katelyn!” My mother screamed as I ran toward the street. I didn’t see the car coming, but it saw me. The car screeched to a halt and the driver gave my mother a dirty look. She just shrugged her shoulders and continued to follow me across the street to Brendon’s house.

“Hi Katie,” Mrs. Urie said opening the door.
“Where’s Brendon?” I asked her.
“He’s upstairs in his room, you can go up there,” She said letting me and my mother in. I ran up the stairs and knocked on Brendon’s door.

“KATIE!!!!” He shouted.
“BRENDON!!” I shouted back at him, giving him a huge hug.
“I’m supposed to be cleaning up.” He said opening his door all the way, revealing the huge mess that lay behind it. I laughed a little then said I would help. Together we cleaned up the huge mess he had made.

“Mommy, can we go to the park?” I asked walking up to her and Mrs. Urie who were sitting in the kitchen.
“You and Brendon can go walk down to the park,” Mrs. Urie said.
“I’ll come down and get you when I leave, okay?” My mother said.
“Okay!” I said and went back upstairs to get Brendon.

“Let’s go to the park!” I said walking into his room again.
“Okay,” He said and grabbed his shoes, putting them on.

When we got to the park, I ran up to the monkey bars and climbed up on top of them. Brendon just stood on the ground looking up at me like I was crazy.

“Katie, you’re gonna get hurt.”
“No I’m not, I’ve done it a million times before!” I said letting go of the bar and throwing my arms up in the air.
“Would you just come down, please?” He said with eyes begging for me to do so.
“Fine,” I said and slowly got off from the top of the world.

I ran over to the hill and fell into the grass. Brendon came running up behind me giving me a face questioning my actions. He too then fell into the grass and we laid there making shapes and animals out of the clouds.

“Look! A Heart!” he shouted pointing up at the sky. I looked at it and started crying.
“Why are you crying?” He said turning his body so it was facing me.
“I’m gonna miss you over the summer,” I said softly, turning my head to look at him.
“I’m gonna miss you too.”
“Don’t find another best friend while I’m gone,” I said.
“Nobody could be as best of friends as I am with you.”
“Good,” I said and looked back up at the sky.
“Katie, do you still think boys are yucky?” Brendon asked me in the sweetest voice.
“Nope,” I said and looked at him again, “Why?”

That’s when I saw his big brown eyes grow soft as he licked his lips. He slowly leaned closer to me and his face came close to mine. I shut my eyes and waited for something to happen, and when it did, I felt butterflies swirl around my stomach. His lips slowly touched mine for a few seconds and it was perfect.

He pulled away from me and my eyes fluttered open only to be greeted by a goofy grinning six year old who I called my best friend named Brendon Boyd Urie.

That summer I left for my grandma’s house, little did I know I wouldn’t be going back to see Brendon for a while. My mother and I had moved out of our house a few months after summer began because she had gotten a new job. She still talked to Mrs. Urie, but my mother never said a word about Brendon to me. She knew I missed him like crazy, but she knew if she let me talk to him that I would start crying. So she decided it was best if we didn’t talk about it.

Ten years later, I stumbled upon a picture of me and him when we were little kids. He still had that goofy grin on his face, like he always did, and he was standing next to the green monkey bars that if you climbed up on them, you felt as if you were on top of the world. I remembered the day before I left how he told me to get down so I don’t get hurt. He was always looking out for me.

I sat on the edge of my bed and laid back on it, clutching the picture to the chest. I wonder how he was doing. I wonder if he still remembers me.

As I close my eyes, I began to remember us looking at the clouds together. Without knowing it, I took one hand off the picture, and touched the tips of my fingers to my lips. We were six years old, lying in the grass at the park, we didn’t know what love was, we sometimes even still thought of each other as yucky, but when he put his lips on mine, it was all different.

So here I sit, with a notebook in my lap, attempting to recall every memory we ever had. Why? Well because he’s famous now. I’m almost ninety-nine percent sure that he would pick up the notebook I’m going to give him and laugh at how some twenty-one year old girl could write such stupid stuff.

I knew the day he moved to Vegas he would forget about me. I was kind of hoping he didn’t, but we all know that just wasn’t going to happen.

Truth was, I missed my best friend.

I regretted every single time I talked to him and didn’t tell him that I loved him more than just a friend. I hated myself for not opening my mouth, but now I’m stuck here trying to write down the memories so he can probably laugh at me.

What a wonderful life I’m living.
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so it's a start.
probably only going to be a couple chapters.