My Amazing Adventure

Surprise Caller

I feel my pulse quicken when I see the name on the caller ID. Nick freakin' Jonas! Why would he call? "Mar? You there?,' Ivy asks. "Yeah, um can I call you back?,' I say nervously. "Of course!,' says Jenna. I say good-bye and quickly answer the call. "Hey Nick! What's, um, up," I say, panting. "Nothing much. Are you okay? You sound nervous," He says coolly and calmly. I suddenly feel stupid. Why would I feel nervous around such a nice guy? "Oh, I'm fine. Why're you calling?' Nick-"Oh I just wanted to remind you that your coming October 15Th. Are you excited? I sure as hell am!" I giggle. I never hear Nick, Kevin, Jo say hell on their TV show, JONAS, so this is funny. "What's so funny?,' Nick asks. "Sorry, it's just, *giggle* I NEVER hear you say hell on TV. So it's funny.," I say confidently. "Well, Disney Channel kids can't be perfect ALL the time," He says mischievously. I giggle and we talk till about 4 in the morning.
The next day, Friday, we have no school. Packing day. I tell Ivy and Jenna all about my conversation with Nick. It's almost four o'clock and we're done. "Well, I'm tired," I say, yawing. "Talking until four in the morning does give a person lack of sleep," say Ivy, smiling. "We'll leave, because we don't want you to be tired tommorow when you see your BOYFRIEND," says Jenna, also smiling. I smile back. "Okay, just remember to be ready at 10:00 A.M. when I pick you guys up." They nod and leave. I then sit down on my bed, yawning. Suddenly my phone beeps. A text message! Maybe its from Nick! It's not, but it's:
Mari-heyyy wats up?
Mari-nuttin much
Jane-R U excited for UR trip?
Mari-yup. i wish u could come too
Jane-me 2 but im glad U Ivy & Jenna R friends again
Mari-aww thanks. same
Mari-ill be sure to text you, deirdre, and mia
Jane-Mia prob wont care
Jane-ever since her and karia were friends again, she dumped us
Mari-ooo that totally sucks
Mari-i wont give her nick's autograph :)
Jane-haha g2g have fun! remember us little ppl
Mari-wats ur name again ;)
Jane-haha very funny. bye!
I take a nap, feeling sad for Jane and Deirdre, but angry at Mia. As soon as Karia liked her again, she ditches the friends that were nice to her when she was friendless? I then vow to myself that I will never, ever ditch Ivy and Jenna if I become a celebrity.
♠ ♠ ♠ sweet at the end, right? you know how I said this was on hiatus? well I was bored and I just could NOT wait. haha merry christmas and a happy new year!
p.s.-but I still on hiatus haha
pps-oops I forgot to say COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!