My Amazing Adventure

Awesome news!

Nick Jonas' point of view
"C'mon Joe, Kevin, lets go look at some more of the entries," I said, trying to be confident. Over the past few weeks, the entries for our contests were..interesting. "Oh no. I wonder what we'll see today. Some girl singing horribly-'I love you Nick and Joe!!! That's my song.' They always sing about us in their songs and forget about Kevin. Also, either their horrible, or their good and they sing a song like that or sing one of our songs," Joe replied warily. I laughed. The girls just didn't get they were supposed to sing their OWN original song. "It's still worth a shot," Kevin said. Joe groaned, but clicked on our contest email. "Hey look, there's like 50 new ones. Yippee," Joe said, sarcastically.
After about 45 or so, they got to Mari's. Mari's voice filled the room. "Hi Joe, Nick, and Kevin. I wrote this song about my old boyfriend. I really hope you like it.' Great, she's probably gonna sing another person's song,' scoffed Joe. "I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me. I still feel your touch in my dreams. Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why. Without you it's hard to survive." It sounded pretty good so far. "See Joe, nothing to do with us, so shut up." Pretty soon it ended. "We SO have to pick her!,' said Joe and Kevin at the same time. "What do ya say final judge, is she chosen?,' Kevin asked. "How about e see the last ones for today and put up on our website that the submission period is over. Okay? Sure, fine, as long as she gets picked," said Joe excitedly.
So we looked at the other entries. One girl was kinda good, she would have been second in my opinion. Her name was Cassie. Meanwhile, while the boys were doing things for the contest, Mari was hanging out with Jenna and Ivy. Let's go see...
Mari's POV
"Hey I'm all finished with my homework. Anyone almost done?" That was me. Jenna, Ivy, and I were doing homework at my house. "I'm...done!" Jenna slammed her book shut. "The weekend is now officially free for parties, fun, and, well FUN!!" I laughed and rolled my eyes. We were having a sleepover at my house, then primping for a party together, then going to the party. We just had to get our homework out of the way. "You guys have fun without me. I still have math," Ivy said grudgingly. "Here, I'll help you," Jenna said. I smiled. Jenna was always really nice and fit right into Ivy and my friendship. She always helped us with our homework, giggled at the funny stuff we said, and tried to keep up with every body's names. "it's just so HARD to be a new girl. So many names, so little time," she told us one day.
"Mar, phone's for you,' mom called. "Who is it?,' I asked. "I dunno, he said his last name was Jonas or something." My mom is SO clueless. "WHAT?!? ONE OF THE JONAS BROTHERS JUST CALLED?!?!?,' asked my younger sister Ashley. "OMJ OMJ LET ME TALK TO THEM PLEASE MARI!!!!,' she begged. "No it's for me," I said, after the shock sank in. I picked up my phone in my room. "Hello? Hi, Mari? This is Nick Jonas and you just one the Chance to Sing With The Jonas Brothers contest. WHAT?! Oh, um mmhmm. I'll go get her, hang on.' MOM!!," I called. "He wants to speak to you." A few minutes later, my mom came back into the room. "Mari," she said. "You're going to New York."
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