Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

What? How? Why?

Juliet’s POV
I was beyond mad at Gage. That was my first kiss and it was with the guy I wanted it to be with but then he tells me he can’t kiss me because he’s marrying Kylie?
This is so messed up I can’t believe him and here I was stupid and thought he might actually like me as a girl friend. He is such a jerk!
I got up and went to take a shower. It took my 2 hours but helped me relax a bit. It was 5 in the mourning and I had to be at school by 8.
So I jumped out at 7 and got my Breathe Carolina shirt and black jeans.
Then I called Sierra. But she didn’t pick up. So I decided school was going to be super boring today. I’m going to visit Gavin after school I thought putting on eyeliner.
I headed off to school and started a boring day.

Nothing interesting happened at school so when I got home and had a message from Gavin’s parents saying Gavin was awake I was so happy. I took a bus down to the hospital. I went to his room and he was sitting up.
“Oh Gavin your awake!” I exclaimed happy tears running down my face.
“Yeah I am?” He said looking confused and it sounded like a question.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him worried.
“Who are you?”
I started crying. He didn’t remember me? What? How? Why?
His parents came in and saw me crying.
“What’s wrong?” They asked
“H….He……….do-doesn’t re-member me.” I said between sobs.
I then ran out of the hospital. I didn’t know where I was running to but I was running fast.
Finally I got to a park and sat on a swing. Why is this all happening to me? I asked my self. Gage is marrying Kylie, Gavin doesn’t remember me and Sierra is to busy with her boy friend to even answer my calls. I was so up set. I decided to walk back to my house which was 10 miles away. I walked and passed a bunch of people starring at me. I was so confused and up set and tired my whole life didn’t feel real. It all felt like a dream. Yeah it must just be a dream. So I shut my eyes and opened them but I was still walking. So wait this is all real? I couldn’t believe it I was getting diizy and soon everything went black.

My eyes started fluttering open. I looked up and saw a black figure. Soon my vision came back and I saw it was Gage. Wait Gage? Why him?
I tried to act like I was still passed out but Gage saw me open my eyes.
“Juliet?” He whispered.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“Because I found you passed out at the end of our streets.” He replied.
“OH.” Was all I could say.
“Why did you pass out?” He asked.
“Don’t worry about it ok?”
“Fine I won’t talk but please get some rest. I think you bumped your head when you passed out.”
“Fine. Night.” I said getting tired.
“Night.” Was the last thing I heard before I went into a heavy, deep, peaceful sleep.
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