Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?


Juliet’s POV
“How can you let that skank in our house?”
“She’s my best friend and this is not your house.” I recognized Gage’s voice but the other person’s I didn’t. I knew it was a girl’s. Then it clicked it was Kylie. They must have been arguing over me.
“You have to listen to me I’m going to be your wife soon.”
“Just because I’m forced to marry you.” I heard Gage scream. Did he just say he was forced to marry her?
Finally my eyes started to flutter open.
“Gage………..” I said quietly.
He didn’t answer.
“Gage.” I said more loudly.
He turned around and saw that my eyes were opened he ran over to me. Kylie screamed in frustation and stormed out.
“How are you?” He asked.
“Ok a little dizzy but ok.”
“That’s good.” He whispered more to himself than me.
“I’m going to go home.” I finally declared after it being silent for 5 seconds. But hey it felt like 5 minutes.
“Are you sure?”
I nodded.
“Do you want me to walk you to your house?” He asked a bit concerned.
“No but thanks for everything.” I said getting up and walking to my house.
“When I got home no one was there. I went to my bedroom and got some clothes out. Then I went into my bathroom and took a shower. Afterward I fell asleep for the whole night.

At school

I went to school and as I walked in everyone gave me dirty looks. It was kind of weird I didn’t do anything wrong.
Sierra came up to me.
“Is it true?” She asked anxiously awaiting my answer.
“Is what true?” I asked confused.
“Did Gage really cheat on Kylie with you?” She asked with a smirk on her face.
“What are you talking about?” I asked still really confused.
“Kylie came to school saying Gage cheated on her with you.” She said her smirk disappearing because she realized it wasn’t true.
“That is such a lie.” I shouted which gave me a lot of stares.
“Well than I suggest you talk to Gage because everyone hates you ‘cause you messed with the queen bee.” She said walking to her first class.
I was so confused could my life get any worse?
Never ask your self that question because as soon as you do your life gets a lot worse.
“Juli I need to talk to you after class.” Gage whispered to me in art. He sounded really sad and looked it too.
“Ok.” Was all I said.
After art I waited for Gage. When he finally came out he looked like he was about to cry.
“I’m sure you’ve heard about the rumors.” He said.
Oh this can’t be good.
“Yeah everyone’s been glaring at me.”
“Well my parents heard about it and said I can’t hang out with you.” He said as a tear slipped down his cheek.
I started crying. I mean sure I have been avoiding him but to be actually told I could see him broke my heart.
I ran over to him and hugged him sobbing.
“I’m sorry about avoiding you and the truth is I have the biggest crush on you.” I blurted out. Did I really just say that?
He looked at me shocked then smiled a sad smile. “I like you a lot too.” He said.
“Then why don’t you dump Kylie and be my boyfriend?” I asked.
“Look I hate her just as much as you do. But it’s an arranged marriage. I have to.” He finished sadly.”
The bell rang and before he left he said, “I’ll make this work I promise.” He turned around and left.
I sure hope he can keep his promise.
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Thank you to all my awesome readers and commenters.
This chapter is dedicated to my friend Courtney known on here as XmuzicXaddyctionX she gave me an idea for this chapter thank you Court!