Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?


Juliet’s POV
I woke up the next mourning a bit confused. I was confused because last night the plan seemed perfect. But now it seems complicated and unbelievable. I don’t think it can work but there is nothing else I can think of. I’ll have to find a way to talk to Gage today at school and see what he thinks of the plan. I then got up and decided to get dressed. After that I didn’t feel like putting on any makeup so I decided just to head off to school.

When I got to school Gage was at the end of the hall way with no one else around. I went up and started talking to him.
“I have a plan but I don’t think it’s really good.” I said.
“Ok well what is it?” He asked.
“Well I was thinking sense we know Kylie is a very slutty we can find away to make her cheat on you with someone.”
“Yeah but how will that help? I mean they’ll just keep her away from him like their doing with me.”
“I didn’t think about it that way. The only other thing I can think of is saying you got me pregnant.”
“Wow. Well that would work except the fact that they will probaley make you get a pragnacy test.” He said.
“Well than I don’t know mabey we can do something to make her parents change their mind. Like find a guy they might think is better for her.” I said running out of ideas.
“I don’t know if that’ll work. But I’ll try anything to get away from her and be with you.”
“Ok we’ll figure it out somehow. Shoot we’re late for class.” I said mad. I can’t be late to class again.
“Ok we’ll make it there don’t worry.” Gage said.
When we got to art people were giving speeches on why they picked the person for their drawling. The art teacher just gave us our drawling and said I was next. I got up in front of the whole class and began explaining why I picked Gage for my drawling.
“I picked Gage because he is my best friend. He’s always been there for me no matter what and he’s helped me through a lot. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. That is why I picked Gage as my favorite person.” I finished smiling. Everyone clapped and Gage gave me a big smile. A few more people went and then the bell rang. Gage was going to have to give his speech tomorrow.
The rest of the day went by with nothing great happening. I couldn’t talk to Gage the rest of the day because his “girlfriend” was with him no matter what.
When I got home I did my homework and decided to go to the hospital to visit Gavin.
“Hey Gavin.” I said walking in.
“Hey lovely. How are you?” He asked.
“A bit stressed but I’m good and you?”
“Better the pain isn’t bas anymore.” He said smiling.
“When do you get out?”
“In a week. Apparently I’m not well enough yet.”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO really?” I asked mimicking shock.
He just laughed. It was nice to hear is laugh again.
We talked a little more just about school and then I had to leave.
When I got home my parents were still not there. I just went to my room and watched some TV. I eventually fell asleep.
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Sorry if it is bad. I tried realy har. This is dedicated to Twistingpyro!!!!!!! For being awesome!