Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

Hot Topic

Juliet's POV

Before I knew it its was Saturday I didn't hear from Gage at all and Haven't seen Gavin in the hospital.
I decided I'd call Sierra.
"Hello?" Sierra answered her phone.
"Hey Si! Do you want to go to the mall today?" I asked hoping she'd say yes because I was bored.
"Yeah Sure. Do you want me to pick you up?"
"Yes please. I have to go get redy byes."
"Alright bye." She said and then hunf up.
I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I then got into my red shirt with sayings all over it and jeans. I brushed my hair out and waited for Sierra to show up.

When she arrived we hopped into her car and started off towards the mall
"So what's been going on?" She asked strting a convo.
"Well it's quite complicated but I can't exsplain all of it."
"Um..........Ok so what can you tell me?"
"Well you know how I broke up with Gavin?"
"Well I think I have more feelings for him now then I orignally did. But I still like Gage alot so I'm really confused."
"Wow didn't see that coming." She said a bit shocked.
"Yeah........" Was all I said untill we got to the mall.
When we got there the parking lot was full. But that wasn't a big surprize considering it's Saturday.
When we got in we went strait to Hot Topic which packed. They were having a huge sale so Sierra and I strted shopping right away.
At the end I ended up with a black tank top with purple skulls on it and a purple butterfly necklace.
Sierra got a pink T-shirt with green heart on it and a blue dragonfly necklace.
We were very excited with our new clothes!
We decided to go to the food court and get some pizza. The food court didn't have an empty table so we joined people we knew from school.
We didn't talk tot hem much though.
"So Jewls tell me how's scholl going?" Sierra asked with chesse sticking to her lips.
"Well I got an A on my science test last week which surprized me because i'm terrible at science." I replied
"Really? I'm so proud of you so what do you a a C in that class now?" She asked jokingly.
"No! I have a B thank you very much."
"Fine whatever you say." She said laughng really hard for no reason. We got alot of weird looks.
We got a coffee and went home. At home I got a message from Gavin.
"Hey Juli I haven't seen you in awhile and thought I'd give you a call.So call me back."
It was already 10:00 P.M So I decided to wait untill tomorrow to call him back.
I sat down on my bed with my notebook and started writing a poem:

Two Boys
Two boys have my heart.
One is free and the other's not.
I don't know which one I like more.
But I know need to find out soon.
Two boys have my heart.
But which one is the one for me?
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to Twistingpyro for being my biggest fan. And making me believe my writings good. Thanks Gavy!