Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

What Am I Going To Do?

Juliet’s POV

After about a week I figured out who I like the most I think………
I wasn’t sure if it was what I truly wanted. So I was confused. I like Gavin the most I decided. I am madly in love with him.

Finally I woke up from my dream very confused. Did my dream just tell me I like Gavin the most? I wasn’t so sure I liked one more than the other but the dream felt so real. My head was pounding so I got up and got some Advil. It was Sunday and I was super bored. But I really didn’t feel like hanging out with anyone so I went to my room and sat on my bed. I started reading when I heard a bang from outside, I look down out of my window to see Gavin standing by my window throwing rocks. I finally opened the window after the confusion left.
“Gavin?? What the fuck are you doing here?!? You’re supposed to be in the hospital to at least Tuesday!!!!!!” I screamed out my window.
“I am fine Juliet I wanted to come see you sense you weren’t visiting me.”
“I’m just confused at the moment. You should come in.” I said.
I walked down the stairs and opened the front door. Gavin was standing there looking amazingly hot. I stared at him with my mouth open. He smirked and winked. I slapped his shoulder lightly and headed up stairs motioning for him to follow.
“So why are you confused?” He asked a bit shy.
“I’m not going to tell you at the moment.” I said finally reaching my bed room and sat on my bed.
“Ok then I won’t ask anymore.” He said looking around my room.
All of a sudden his eyes landed on me. I looked into his eyes and got lost. Before I knew it we were both leaning in and started kissing. I deepened it and pushed him back on my bed. He pulled my hair and I bit his lip. I soon realized what I was doing and pulled away. He looked up a bit confused.
“I can’t do this right now.” I said
“Is it because of Gage?” He asked a bit angry.
“Kinda but it’s more then that. I like you both a lot and I can’t figure out what I want.” I started crying. Gavin pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back calming me.
“It’s ok Darling. I understand that a decision like this is hard for you. I’m sorry I got angry I just really like you and was upset you didn’t want to continue kissing me.” He said in one breath.
“Don’t say sorry. I shouldn’t have even done it in the first place. If it helps I did enjoy it. I’m just really confused right now. Give me time?”
“Yes I’ll give you some space. Call me sometime.” He said getting up.
I nodded my head. He walked down the stairs and out the door.
Wow I enjoyed that a lot. It was even better than kissing Gage. I thought to my self.
But I really like Gage. Gosh two boys, one girl. What am I going to do?
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This is dedicated to Themi, Gavin< and Garrett, You guys are awesome and gave me some inspiration!