Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

Big Fight

Juliet’s POV

After the whole lunch scene I went over to Sierra to ask if she would skip the rest of the day with me. She gave me a questioning look but just said she would and we ran out of school to our old tree house. When we got there she started asking me what’s wrong.

“What’s wrong Jewls?” She asked worry in her voice.

“Gage is going out with Kylie.” I said trying not to cry.

“Woah that sucks.”

“Yeah just a bit. She’s kinda my worst enemy and he’s kinda my secret crush.” I said practically screaming at her.

“Hey relax breathe in out in out.”

“Si for the millionth time I know how to breathe.” I said laughing.

“Ha I made you smile. Never fear Sierra is here.”

I started laughing. With a huge grin on my face because if Gage isn’t here Sierra is the next best thing.

“But anyway back to the point do you mind if I bitch slap Kylie?” She said dead serious.

“Yeah I would love that but Gage likes her so I can’t let you I’m afraid.” I said with disappointment dripping from my words.

“Oh fine but if I see you like this again because of her I’ll kill her .Promise.”

“K because I might have to help you.” I said laughing my ass off.

“It’s a deal. I have to go before my mom flips.”

“Alright see you later.”

“K I love you byes.” She said jumping to the ground

30 minutes later

“Juliet you home?” I heard Gage call from my front door.

“I’m up in my room I called back.” Regretting calling him up. I was just used to it.

I heard him climb the stairs. I was preparing myself because I knew he would ask what was wrong with me and why I skipped the rest of school.

“Hey Julie. Why’d you skip the rest of school?” He asked as he entered my room.

“I was upset so I left.” I said not even trying to lie to him. He can read me like a book.

“Why were you upset about?” He asked. I was hoping he wouldn’t ask that question but he did. I decided not to lie. Big mistake on my part

“Well let’s see. My best friend is going out with my worst enemy.” I said already getting angry.

“You don’t know her that well.” He said raising his voice.

“I know her well enough to know she made my life hell for 11 years.”

“Well now how did she do that?” He asked. Like he didn’t know already I went and cried to him after every incident.

“Well in kindergarten she spilled water on me and told everyone I peed myself.”

“ Come on Jewls that was when you were five.” He said.

“Fine what about in 6th grade when she wrote cuss words all over the chalkboard and blamed it on me. Don’t you remember how I got suspended for a week?” I asked getting very upset almost to tears.

“Yeah I remember but she was only 11.”

“And now in11th grade she is making me fight with my best friend.” I said crying now.

“She’s not doing that. You are because you won’t give her a chance because of two things she did to you in the past.” He said yelling at me.

“She’s done more then those two things but it doesn’t matter because you are taking her side instead of mine.” I said now sobbing.

“There are no sides You are just making everything difficult.”

“Well if that’s how you see it then leave me alone.”

“Fine if that’s how you want it.” He said walking out.

I called I love you but he didn’t hear. I sat in my room crying for the rest of the night listening to I’d Lie by Taylor Swift it fits this perfectly I thought drifting to sleep.
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