Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

New Guy

Juliet’s POV

When I walked into school the next day I couldn’t find Gage anywhere. I asked most of his friends but they just said they didn’t know.

It was odd because his girlfriend wasn’t there either.

I went to art class just before the bell rang.

The teacher made his speech for the class and then we started our drawlings. I’m ok at art even though Gage has told many times that I’m awesome at it. But he is so much better. I could really see him being an artist one day. Anyway. The teacher didn’t see that Gage wasn’t there so he put is drawling down at his spot. When I looked at it I was shocked it was a drawling of me. There were lots of erase marks because of how many times he erased and started again but it was like looking in the mirror. I know I shouldn’t be shocked but I am.

I went to second period class and there was a new guy there. He was really tall with shoulder length dark brown hair that hung over his emerald green eyes. He was gorgeous.

“Alright class settle down.” My math teacher said looking annoyed.

“We have a new student today his name is Gavin.”

Gavin hid behind his hair.

He must be shy I thought looking at him. He was so cute I thought I was in a trance just looking at him.

“Hi” He said from behind me.

“Hi I’m Juliet.” I replied.

“Can I sit at lunch with you today? I don’t know anyone and you seem cool.” He said blushing.

“Sure meet me at the lunch room.” I said whispering because class already started.

“Sure thing.” He said smiling.


I went to the lunchroom to look for Gavin but I didn’t see him.

“Hey where do you want to sit?” I heard Gavin’s voice from behind me.

I spun on my heel and looked towards him,

“Oh anywhere you want to.” I said smiling.

“OK over here.”

“Cool. So Gavin where did you move from?” I asked

“Alabama.” He replied

“Oh I always wanted to go there. How do you like Florida?”

“Oh I don’t really know I just moved here two days ago. But you’re sure making things better.” He said smiling and blushing. He seems to blush a lot.

“Oh that’s so sweet we should go to the mall sometime.” I said really starting to like him. As a friend of course.

“Yeah that’d be super.”

“Super? Wow. How about Friday night?” I suggested.

“Sounds great.”

After lunch we went our separate ways after we exchanged cell numbers.

He is so cool. He is a good destraction from my Gage problems.

I can’t wait to go to the mall with him.

When I was waking down the hall I ran into Gage but he looked so mad.

He just pushed past me and went to the office.
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I hope you liked it:)