Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

It's killing me

Juliet’s POV
The next mourning I woke up way to early. I had this terrible dream. It was about Gage and I. He wouldn’t talk to me or anything. He looked like a zombie only talking to his girlfriend. Replaying in my head doesn’t sound so bad but it was truly terrible. I just shook it off and headed to my bathroom.
I took a shower then put on my black tripp pants and my purple and gray striped shirt. I put on a little eyeliner and fixed my hair. When I went into my bedroom I had a text message.
From Gavin: Hey do you want to go to the mall with me tomorrow?
I had to think what was tomorrow? It was Friday I guess I could go.
So I texted him back.
Sure. Can you pick me up? I don’t have a car.
From Gavin: No problem I’ll tell you what time in class.
Ok sounds good Bye.

At School:
I went strait to art after catching the bus. Gage wasn’t there to pick me up. Which I wasn’t surprised about and Sierra was at home sick.
When I went to art Gage was sitting at a different table. When I went up to the teacher I found out we were changing seats. I was still at the same table as Gage but I was across from him instead of beside him.
“Gage we need to talk.” I said barely above a whisper.
“Look Juliet I don’t want to talk to you right now I have had a rough week. I don’t need more stress or drama from you.” He said through clenched teeth.
I just turned away and started on my drawling. So all I was to him was stress and drama? Wow didn’t know I was just that to him. The rest of the day sucked I didn’t see Gavin in the class we had together because the office called him.

At lunch:
“What?” I asked turning around to come face to face with Gage.
“I’m sorry how I acted at art I was just…”
He didn’t get to finish because I cut him off.
“Look I’m not sure what’s going on with you but I can’t deal with it. You really hurt my feelings and when I tried to talk to you about are problems you told me to not talk.” I said really fast.
“Just leave me alone until you figure things out.” I finished getting my lunch when I found Gavin at the table we ate at yesterday.
I just walked over to him and half heatedly listened to him making plans for the mall. But I couldn’t stop thinking about Gage and it was killing me. So all I got out of what Gavin was saying was he was going to pick me up at 5:00 tomorrow. I agreed and went on with my day.
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I'm sorry if it sucks but I needed to add a filler.