Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

The Mall

Juliet’s POV
I got up late for school so I hurried up and got dressed. I went outside and Sierra pulled up.
“Hey girlie get in and hurry or we’ll be late.”
“Cool thanks I’m glad you came if I have to go on the bus one more time I’ll puke.”
“Oh sorry about yesterday. My mom was sick so I had to get my little sister off to school. Then I decided to just stay home.”
“It’s ok. Me and Gavin are going to the mall tonight a 5. Do you want to come?” I asked.
“I would but I’m going on a date with Aiden.” She said blushing.
“Seriously?” I asked jumping up and down. I was so excited because Sierra has had a crush on Aiden sense 8th grade.
She just nodded still blushing and drove off.
When I got to my locker Gage was waiting.
“Look Juli I’m sorry but you don’t understand what’s going on.”
“Then why don’t you tell me? You’re my best friend and I thought I was yours.” I said almost in tears. He keeps trying to apologize but he won’t tell me why he’s acting the way he is.
“I can’t. I’m sorry but I’m not allowed.” He said sadness in his voice.
I was so confused. He’s not allowed to tell me what does that mean?
“Whatever I can’t deal with you like this anymore. Talk to me when you can tell me the truth.” I said turning around. I walked away and into the bathroom. I cried and cried. But I knew I had to get myself together or I was going to be late for art. So I wiped away my smudged eyeliner and walked out.

I went to Gavin’s locker and waited for him.
“Hey Juliet. Are you ok?” He asked with concern in his voice.
“It’s just been a rough day.” I said. Hoping he wouldn’t ask anymore questions.
“Ok are you ready for lunch?”
“Sure let’s go.”
We walked into the lunch room and saw Gage and Kylie making out at their lunch table.
I was so disgusted I wanted to through up. But it’s his life so whatever. Gavin and I went to our lunch table and sat down and started talking about the mall. So he was going to pick me up at 5:00 like we already planned. We finished eating and I had to go to math. It was really boring and was terrible because Kylie was in that class with me.
She kept glaring at me like I did something wrong.
She’s the one who took my man I mean my best friend. I just glared at her back until she turned around. I just kept thinking about the mall hoping to not think about Gage but he just kept popping in. The rest of the day sucked. Everywhere I turned there was Gage and Kylie making out. Ewwwwwwwwwww gross I thought.

Sierra drove me home after the long day. We said our good byes and I went to my room to change into something else. I decided on my purple dress and black leggings. I put on my black flip flops with white skulls on and put my hair into pigtails. I don’t know why I decided to dress up but I felt like it.
A half an hour later Gavin showed up at my door. I opened it and when he saw me his jaw dropped. I just laughed and led him to his car.
“You look………lo…look amazing.” He said stuttering a bit.
“Thanks I felt like dressing up.” I said blushing a little bit.”
He just nodded and started driving towards the mall.
When we got there we went strait for the food court.
“Do you want Chinese?” Gavin asked
“Sure I’d love it. Let me just go to the ATM.” I said pulling out my card my dad gave me.
“No it’s ok I got it.”
“Wow thanks.”
We got our food and sat down and ate.
“So what is up with you and that guy Gage?” He asked.
“Well he was my best friend and then he started going out with this crazy bitch that is my worst enemy.” I said getting angry.
“Wow that sound bad what is his problem. How could he go out with her when you are so much better?”
I blushed deep scarlet that was so nice.
After we ate we went to Hot Topic and I got a Breathe Carolina shirt and He got a Brokencyde shirt. We then went to Spencers and a couple other stores. We got bored and decided to go to Hot Topic again. When we got in there Gage and Kylie were in there. She looked like she was about to barf. Gage spotted me and came over.
“Juli what are you doing with him?” He asked mad.
“I have a better question. What are you doing with her?”
“Well she’s my girlfriend duh.” He said like I asked a stupid question. I kind of did but still.
“Well I’m here with him because he’s my new boyfriend.” I shouted.
Everyone froze. Gavin gave me a questioning look and Gage looked shocked.
I was even shocked I had no clue where that came from.
“You deserve better then him.” Gage said after he came back to his senses.
“OH leave me alone and don’t tell me who I deserve.” I then grabbed Gavin’s hand and walked out of the store.
“So do you really want to go out with me?” Gavin asked quietly.
I stared at him.
“Sure. Your really nice and I like you.” I said not to sure if I meant what I said.
He gave me a hug and we walked to his car.

When I got home I called Sierra and told her everything that happened. Even the part about me not being sure if I really liked Gavin as a boyfriend. She said she didn’t know what to tell me and told me about her date. I got off and got into my PJ’s.
I went to bed trying to figure out my feelings. It was hard so I just went to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to xoxLizards for giving me an idea for this chapter. This is for you. And thanks to everyone who reads this and comments I love you guys!