Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?


Juliet’s POV
That night I hardly got any sleep. I tossed and turned wondering what to do. My feelings were so confusing. I had a major crush on Gage but I also hated him for going out with Kylie. Gavin was so nice to me and he’s my boyfriend now. But I wasn’t sure if I liked him like that. Finally I decided to get up. I looked at the clock and saw it was only 4:24. I sighed but got up anyway it wasn’t like I could sleep. I was a little happy though because it was Saturday so I didn’t have to see anyone if I didn’t want to. My parents were gone and so was my brother and sister. So I had the whole house to myself.

I waited until 9:00 to get in the shower I jumped in and did my routine. I got out an outfit on. I decided to wear my purple and black checkered shirt and black skinnies. I did my hair and put on some makeup. I looked at my phone to see I had 3 unread text messages
From Sierra: Want to sleep over tonight? We haven’t had a sleep over in like a month.
I replied back to her: Sure I would love that I’ll be over at 2:00 PM
From Sierra: sounds good. See you then.
The next one I looked at was from Gavin.
From Gavin: Want to come to my house tonight and hangout?
I can’t sorry I’m spending the night at Sierra’s house.
From Gavin: It’s cool maybe another time.
I don’t really want to see Gavin right now. I’m so confused. At least I had a real reason for not going to his house. I’ll have to go sometime I am his girlfriend after all.
The last one was from Gage. I decided to read it.
From Gage: Can we please talk?
You made me mad. But I’ll talk if you tell me the truth.
From Gage: I can’t do that :(
Fine then I can’t talk to you.

I closed my phone and packed my bag to spend the night.

2:00 PM
When I arrived at sierra’s I was surprised to see I wasn’t the only one invited.
Practically every girl from school was there.
“Si why is all these girls here.” I whispered.
“I thought it might help take your mind off your boy problems.”
“Well then I guess we shall wait and see.” I said going up and saying hi to people.

The night was really fun. We watch the Notebook and I of course cried. Then we watched Sweet Home Alabama I cried even harder. After all the girls that were crying settled down we made brownies. They were sooooooooo good! All the girls finally went to bed at 3:00 in the mourning so it was just Sierra and I up.
“So what’s going on with the boy drama?” Sierra asked licking chocolate off her plate.
“I’m so confused. I mean Gavin is super nice but I can’t get rid of my feeling for Gage. But Gage is making me so mad. He won’t tell me why he’s acting the way he is. It’s all just so confusing.” I replied.
“Wow I wish I could help you but the only thing that’s for certain is you shouldn’t be going out with Gavin.” He said with a sad smile.
“I know I might have to brake up with him. But I think he really likes me. This is going to be so hard.” I said thinking about how and when I was going to break up with Gavin.
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Pease tell me what you think.
Plese go to xoxLizards profile and tell her she is a better writer please and thank you.