Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend?

Flash Back

Gage’s POV
I woke up at 3 in the mourning and felt something in my arms. I looked down and saw Juliet in my arms sleeping. Thoughts of what happened last night came back to me. I remembered why I was here. I was here because Juliet called my crying to tell me Gavin was in a bad accident. I felt bad I wasn’t even with her this whole time. If only she knew why I was with Kylie she’d understand but I’m not allowed to tell her.

Flash Back
“Gage.” My dad yelled for me from downstairs before I went to school.
“Yeah dad.” I responded.
“I need to talk to you.” He said like he was going to have to break some bad news to me.
“Yeahhhhh………” I dragged.
“Before you were born we made an agreement with the Stans.” He started
“What kind of agreement.” I urged.
“Well that you their daughter Kylie would have an arranged marriage.”
“You what? I hate that girl there is no way I’m going to marry her.” I screamed.
“You have to we have a contract.” He said it like there was no big deal.
“Thanks a lot. Why couldn’t you have arranged a marriage to someone like Juliet?!” I
exclaimed without thinking about it. Did I just say to Juliet?
“Well me made this deal before we knew the Reeses.” He said.
“I hate you guys.” I said.
“We know but you can’t tell anyone this is arranged even Juliet.”
“She’s going to hate me. Kylie is her worst enemy.” I then walked out the door and went to school.
End of Flash Back

I felt stirring in my arms I looked down to see Juliet opening her eyes. She looked at me with a confused look on her face.
“Why are you here? Aren’t we fighting?” She asked quietly
“You called me over. Remember?
“Oh yeah. I missed you I’m glad you came.” She responded smiling.
“I have to go before my parent wake up.”
She nodded her head then looked into my eyes. She started to lean in and I leaned in too. Our lips crashed and I swear there were fire works going off. After awhile we stopped for air. I just stared at her. It was the most amazing kiss ever. Then I remembered Kylie and the contract.
“I’m sorry Juliet I can’t. I’m getting married to Kylie.” I said
Her eyes went wide and she started crying. I hate having to pretend I’m in love with Kylie when I love Juliet so much more. Wait did I just say I loved Juliet? Wow I can’t believe I finally admitted it to myself.
“I hate you and I never want to see you again!” She yelled sobbing she pushed me out of her bedroom and slammed her door. I heard her crying but decided not to bother her. I walked to my house thinking how terrible I felt. I don’t want to marry Kylie and I hate that I made Juliet cried. I got home and laid in my bed thinking about Juliet.
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Ok so now you all know what's up with Gage. So tell me what you think please.