Status: done

Namine and Roxas

A small space in the atic

I stared at her in shock and touched my cheek, blushing. "I-uh...?"

She giggled, and laid down on the bed, resting her head on her hand. "Oh, Roxas. You always have trouble figuring things out. I suppose this time I'll just help you out a little bit." She giggled, running her fingers through my blonde hair, pushing it over my blue eye. She dragged her index finger down my chin line, making me shiver and blush harder.

Namine tilted her head side ways, her lips puckering in thought. She sighed and looked at me, smiling with a flirtatious wink.

I missed Alice. When ever I...cut...I would pass out into a deep sleep. It wasn't like a dream. No, she was never in my dreams. Alice would just be my company in the smothering darkness, and for the last few days I died in the dark without her there. She hasn't appeared since. Then all of a sudden, Alice-Namine?-my sister's best friend comes into my life.

"I met a fairy once, and I helped her with her problems. Just like I did you. She told me I could have one wish, anything at all. And I wished to be human, to be with you." She chirped, taking my hand.

I blushed curling my fingers around her's.

"So, Namine came to your sister's town a little while back. A body born out of thin air, at this exact age. To file, no nothing. Two parents adopted her. My hostesses body grew, with a mind of her own and I stayed away while her brain developed, making sure it was safe for my entrance. Then a few months back she started having unexpected black outs, me taking her body and bursting in a more confidant personality. Whenever she woke up she was clueless."

I stared at her in awe. "So....your the Alice from my dreams...? And...your going to live in Namine's body?" I asked, falling back onto my elbows. How could this be possible? How can I feel her touch? Her warmth? Feel her? See her? Smell her?

She nodded with a smile, moving up and sitting down on my lap. I smiled as my blush deepened. Alice was the only girl who wasn't disgusted by me. The other girl's thought I'd chop their heads off, or bleed on them. Once I smiled at the most popular girl in school in class and she literally screamed "DON'T SUCK MY BLOOD!" I was sent to the office for sexual harassment! I freaking smiled! Oh no,Roxas. Using you muscles to smile-ugh, what a horrid thing to do to a girl!

She laid her head down on my lap and smiled up at me. Alice was so free with her movements! Most girl's would have to know you like them to do this, but Alice's like, "Yup all guys like me so pft, I'd kiss whoever I want, whenever!"

She reached up and cupped my chin in her hand. Alice closed her eyes and leaned up toward me, and I drop sweated. I've never kissed a girl [or guy] in my life!

I closed my eyes bending forward, my features softened.

"Oh....." She whimpered, her eyes changing from a brilliant blue to a dark cadet blue. Alice closed her eyes and fell back into my arms, her neck hanging over my arm.

I stared at her in shock. Whats happening?! I thought, my eyes daring around frantically for some help.

Alice's eyes fluttered open, and a bright white tear fell and stuck to her lips. They parted and she breathed slowly looking up at me. "R-r..roxas? Where am I? Why are you here? Why am I in you arms? Can you tell me?" She asked, time and time again, then finished blinking and waiting for my answer.

I guess Namine-the human-was awake now. She is more timid then Alice.

Namine was just an empty shell. A soul growing, a hostess. "Roxas?" Namine asked in a hushed voice, blushing.

"Oh, fainted.." I muttered, resting her head on a pillow.

She smiled, "And you caught me ?"

I nodded and looked away. "Of course. Why wouldn't I? You were going to fall."

Namine looked away and stood up. "So..where am I sleeping?" She asked, tracing a picture I drew that was placed onto my desk.

"You can sleep here if you like."I whispered, patting my bed.

Namine beamed at me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded stiffly, getting up and moving to the door. I hid behind my blonde hair and I faced my back to her. "Please...Namine..."

I could tell she tilted her head to the side, taking a step closer. Namine gently touched my arm in concern. A shock of electricity shot through my heart. I wrenched my elbow out of her grasp and she gasped. "J-just. Be careful here. I'll be close by....if anyone trys to hurt for me...I-I'll be there...I blushed and ran out the door and down the stairs before she could answer.

"Aubry, take care of her. Call out for me if dad trys anything funky with you two."

Aurby giggled and my choice of words, then returned to her dish duty.

'Love you mama." I planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled out my wallet, leaving a ten on her computer desk without her knowing. That woman always needs the extra money.

I reached outside and I climbed up the drain pipe, setting my feet against the roof. I pushed open a little swinging window, big enough for me only to fit.

I squeezed myself into a small tight space with a single mattress and snuggled into the stale cold blankets.

I sighed and looked the through the cracks of the floor to see Namine and Aubry giggling in my room.

They started taking pictures of each other, making funny faces and laughed loudly. I wished they would quiet down.

I suddenly became interested in their conversation. Sure I felt terrible, but I've always been itching to know what girl's talk about. Sure I was human! And a male at that.

"I think Roxas likes you."Aubry giggled, poking Namine in the side.

I scowled, rolling back over to the other side of the mattress.

"Aw your blushing, Nami."

"No I'm not..."Namine whispered, touching her cheek.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes. "Be careful girls." I whispered, falling into a dream.

"What was that?" Namine whispered, and I slipped off into unconsciousness.