Status: done

Namine and Roxas

Not like most Attics


Someone was holding my hand while I slept. I smiled at thier cool touch and moaned when they took thier hand away.

"Roxas, wake up." She whispered, shaking my shoulders gently.

"Hm?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Alice?"

Namine giggled and placed her hand on my face. "No, Namine."

My eyes snapped open and I gaspd. "Alice? Er, Namine? How-"

She smiled and placed a hand over my mouth. "Sh, be quiet."

When she removed her hand I looked at her in awe. "How did you get up here?"

"Well, you some times talk in your sleep. So I heard someone talking while I was in bed. And then, the voice told me how to get here." Namine said, picking at my blankets.

I sat up, pushing the blankets over. It was cold and dark here, like most attics. But my attic was in a little bit of a worse condition.

"The voice?" I asked, looking at her curiously. Was Namine speaking to her?

Namine seen her mistake and blushed. "Well, you were probablly cold up here."She laughed nervously. "So I guess my woman senses were tingling."

I laughed, and looked down. "How long have you been here? What time is it?" I asked, trying to peek through the floor boards to get a glimpse of my alarm clock.

"Oh, it's three. I've been here since, maybe one? Sorry, I was kinda scared."

I blushed and looked far from her face. She was watching me?

"Scared of?"

"I dreamy someone was taking over my body. was kinda like someone was showing me a movie. Like they were saying, "This is what will happen to you soon." I scared me ."

"You must be cold, lay down."

Namine crawled over the matteress, and I stood up as best I could, throwing the blankets over her. I sat on top of the covers and watched her shiver.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked, her eyelids fluttering closed.

"Naw, I'll be fine." I said, but my chattering teeth gave me away.

Namine weaved her fingers through mine and pulled me down gently onto the bed. She flipped some warm covers over me, and snuggled close.

"Your really warm....."

I sighed and smiled.

"Good night, Roxas."

I closed my eyes and smiled as she wrapped her two arms around my arm. "Good night Namine."