Status: done

Namine and Roxas

Dynimite in my coffin

When I woke up I was sweating, the sun's rays beaming a smile of joy in my eyes, wishing me a good morning.

I scowled and huffed. Yeah right, like I was going to have a good day.

I closed my eyes and was about to roll over when I bumped into something.

My eyes flashed open in shock, when I found Namine' my face. In my face?

Her body was half on the bed, and half on the boards covering the place, that was supposed to pass as a floor.

Her pink lips where parted and her face was filled with a peace of slumber.

I laughed, and sat up on the bed and pulled her up by her waist, covering her again with a thinner layer of blanket.

She moaned and stretched, her arms over her head. I looked out the window and was startled when something slithered under the blankets. My eyes glared at the moving lump.

Little pink finger nails peeked out and I blush as she wrapped her fingers around my belt loop. Namine must be awake, well the other one. Except asleep?


"Good morning Roxy bear, how was your sleep?" Chirped Aubry after I had carried Namine back down into my room and went in search of some food.

"Okay." I mumbled.

"Oh and that goth chick called. Said something about 'The Ceremony' ?" She blinked at me. "I told her you were in bed. She's real creepy, you know. She laughed darkly like, "Ha!" Then just hung up on me. So-Werid." Aubry raised her hands above her head in surrender as she turned back around to the stove. "But she's your friend. So whatever."

"Xandria's pretty cool once you get to know her Aubry. So's her twin Xavier."

She turned her head to look at me over her should eyes wide in disbelief. "And she's got a creep emo brother too. Must suck they have almost the same name and I he looks more womanly then her." She giggled at her own joke.

"Aubry..."I hissed, snatching a plate of food she'd held out to me.

I snapped my teeth on the bacon, crisp and burnt in black soot.

"Nice cooking, mom." I muttered as she rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm not as bad as mom."

"Close enough," I laughed a throaty laugh. "Glad I skipped that gene."


"Oh-Morning Nami." Aubry smiled brightly as Namine groggily pulled herself across the kitchen floor to slump down in a chair across from me-her eyes still closed.


Her hair was flipped over to one side and her little lips were chapped. It was pretty sad actually.

I looked down at my toast with a smile. "Nice hair Namine."

Her eyes popped open to see my laughing smile, and she gasped. "I-I didn't know you were up yet! Sorry you had to see me before I put myself together...."

Her fingers raked through her hair as she winced at the knots which made me laugh.

"Not funny." She said with a playful smile.

"I thought it was."


Xandria was propped up against the door frame, looking as scary as hell itself.

So Namine screamed, falling off her chair. I frowned down at her. "You okay?"

Namine bounced right back up, wobbling then sat back down blushing and looking down at the table.


"Yeah okay then. You coming Roxas?"

Aubry stared at her in amazement. "What the frig are you wearing."

Xandria hissed at her, flicking a split snake tongue out.

"OH M GEE!" Aubry screamed. "I told you she was a total freak! I know you said she's cool, but she's obviously so creepy."

Xandria was a senior and a goth emo girl. Always grumpy, laughing. Always sarcasm.

Her long black hair was always hanging over her shoulders, and long thick eyelashes. Her piercing almost red eyes were like they were penetrating into you.

Xandria usually wore all black and red, maybe an occasional purple, but she always had on her favorite leather trench coat that hung above her ankles. She was as pale as a corpse, who'd seen a ghost and long K9 teeth that drove everyone to conclusions she was a vamp.

Even I, had jumped to that but she's pretty cool.

Besides her tongue that was split down the middle, [done by some dude she knew named Terry,]she had more amazing things that she loved. Her chain jewelry she had welded together, always hung proudly around her neck, and her knee high leather black boots. Thin heeles hat made a click! whenever she passed you.

I smiled at her. "Mornin'. Yeah I'm coming. Where's Xavier?"

"Outside." She muttered, eying a still blushing and somewhat frightened looking Namine who cowered in the corner.

"So you don't blow up in the sunlight?" Snickered Aubry.

"No. But we can blow you up. Let me go get my dynamite out from my coffin."

Aubry's eyes grew wide in fear and Xandria snickered. "That's what I thought."

"B-bye Namine."

Namine turned and blinked up at me. "Good bye. Xandria, nice too meet you." Namine said with a shy but honest smile while Xandria stared at her. Not in a scary way but in a Way.

"Uh...yeah s-sure."

Then she walked out, --BLUSHING?!

I stared as she walked out leaving me there being stared at by Aubry.

"Uh..bye." I grabbed my bag and ran out. Where were we going again?
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=D Hope you guys enjoy! I hope you like the two new twins ;D