Status: done

Namine and Roxas

***ed by Alice

Once we were in the twin's car, and they were blasting some heavy metal I think was Down with the sickness, I looked at Xandria who was confused and was staring off.


She looked over to me, her face hard again.

"You okay?"

She looked down at her feet. "I...I....will you promise to just listen and not think I'm a freak?"

I promised.

"Well....I can sense a deep danger...lurking in the blonde girl...." She muttered in to her hands.

"A-a danger?" I blinked, looking away from her.

"Do you believe in possession Roxas?"

I looked down at my feet. I remembered something Alice had said to me before.

' My hostest's body grew, with a mind of her own and I stayed away while her brain developed, making sure it was safe for my entrance. Then a few months back she started having unexpected black outs, me taking her body and bursting in a more confidant personality. Whenever she woke up she was clueless. '

Wasn't that somewhat possession?

"Yes." I muttered, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Have you read the book The Host by Stephine Myers, Roxas?"

I nodded blushing. It was a girly book.

"You know how the souls go into the human bodies? And take over them completely?" She looked out the black tinted window of her Mercedes.


"Remember how the humans thought it was like murder?"

I blinked, then stared at the bottom of the car as the silence hung thick. Xavier had stopped the music.

In the quietest voice I've ever heard her use, she whispered almost as if she was frightened. "Is something going to harm her?"

I looked up at her startled.

"I-she. She's not going to go through pain I-"


Xandria took hold of my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"Will you just stand by and watch her be murdered by Alice?"

I was taken back. Alice? But-how-how did she know about Alice?!


"Roxas I read minds."

That shut me up. I stared at her, my mouth hung open wide.

Hello? Xandria can you hear me?

She smiled and patted my shoulder.

"I only see images. When you imagine something, I can see it too." Xandria sighed. "Xavier has more gifts then I do."

I imagined a computer screen and word pad popped up. Xandria closed her eyes and held onto my shoulder with a smile.

I imagined the words appearing on the screen, letter by letter which made her laugh. Hello. Xandria can you hear me?

Xandria giggled and opened her eyes with a smile. "Hey."

"You just giggled." I pointed out with a smile.

She blushed and scowled, wrenching her hand away from me.

"Back to my point. Alice is going to kill her, Roxas. It won't be numb for her either. Pain, memories fading, blood." Xavier glanced back anxiously at Xandria in his mirror and frowned.

"She's going to KILL her Roxas!" She spat through her teeth viciously.

"What does it matter to you?"

She was facing toward the window, when she snapped her head to look at me, close to my face. Xandria's eyes became a bright evil crimson, black flecks dancing around the red and orange fire sparking in the middle.

"I know what it's like to loose my life. I won't stand by to watch someone get that taken away from them."


" and my brother are--"

"Vampires." Whispered Xavier.