Any Time Any Guy

You're No Heartbreaker


Parties were one of my favorite past times. Although I could hardly remember any of them due to the high amount of alcohol in my system but that’s just part of the fun. Waking up with a different guy after each party and knowing he wasn’t the only one you were with. I was Molly Makeout and making out was just what I did. Every guy knew that and took advantage of it. I wasn’t the cruel heartbreaker my brother made me out to be although that is always where I tried to make my rep become, but once you’re branded easy to please no one and I mean no one will ever let you live that down.

“I’m so glad I me to you tonight” I slurred my words as I slipped my tongue into his throat.

It wasn’t the first time I had done this tonight and it wasn’t going to be the last. But throughout the hours I have been doing this not once did I ever think of any of these boys as more than a make out session. Only one boy had ever gotten me out of my rut of just making out.


He was the only boy I had ever opened up to. And he would the last. I vowed to never let anyone be the one to break my heart again let alone repeatedly. So now in Maryland I’m going to be Molly the heartbreaker not Molly Makeout. Once this night is done these boys won’t even get a second glance.

I knew Rian was disappointed with knowing how I really was. Now that he knew that making out was the thing that made me happy. When he saw me take guy after guy upstairs. For the rest of that first weekend he didn’t talk to me. It broke my heart to know I disappointed someone who was supposed to love unconditionally, but I guess I was use to it.

“So I heard you had a wonderful weekend” Alex sneered at me leaning against the lockers next to me.

“Yeah having Rian hate me is great fun” I rolled my eyes.

“No I was talking about your massive amount of guys that I wasn’t a part of”

“Like I said I get what I want and you weren’t part of that”

“Well according to your brother you also break what you get”

“Well according to my brother I’m also Molly Makeout and obviously I’m just Molly”

“Yeah this weekend you proved that you had a hard time turning a new leaf”

“You just watch me break some hearts right now, there’s some guy walking towards me”

“Hey Molly this weekend was really fun we should do it again”

“What are you talking about I don’t do things with guys like you

“But this weeke-“

“Hon I don’t even know your name what makes you think I would go out with you?” I cut him off. And he walked off with his tail between his legs.

“Wow that was harsh”

“It’s all part of my heartbreaking image. And FYI this weekend I was drunk when I made out
with all those guys”

“Then maybe I should get you drunk more often”

“You should, just so I have a reason to break your arrogant little heart”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been a long time and this chapter sucks