Status: Still Active

Mages and Magazines

The day I woke up

Through the mist surrounding the dark forest he lay there unconsious. The strands of blood by his body told the near by animals it was dinner time. He was almost dead it seemed. Holding on to the last takes of breath he tried to move. He couldn’t.
The forest was dark someone whithin it already was wishing for death. It was usually granted with speed. The maracle that was; this man was still alive. Barely but still falling into darkness.

The noise to mere sounds continued to drive him deeper down the road of insanity. Just when he lost all hope, just when his heart was about to give up he looked at a mysterious human cloaked in robes and capes standing above him.

“Do you want me to save you?”It said.

He had parched lips and cotton mouth and could not get his words out but he nodded in place of his coded tongue.

“At a simple price, I will save you.”

The man didn’t care he just kept nodding. The gore that oozed out his wounds reflected a crimson moon. In the dark the grass he lay in seemed a pale blue.
The cloaked figure raised his hands. One couldn’t tell if he was smiling or not but there was something about him. Before the cloaked creature stepped in front of him the atmosphere was warm but now, now the mood was cold like Ice.

He stayed nodding as though it would speed up what ever the caped creature was about to do to save him.

“Your soul is mine!”

Light burst out from the cloak. He could feel him drifting from the world heading towards the well of darkness. Falling, falling out of the humane world he had come to know but he had stopped. He was healed and the creature was gone. Two kids came out the bush.

“Did we get him?”

“I…I think.”

He was about to get another one. Glad we showed up.
“Hey you why are you here you know your not supposed to be in the darkening forest.”
The guy didn’t reply he was scared out his wits.

“Hey, is he a walker Cole?”

“I don’t think so.”

“This is strange we’ll have to call up the cult.”

“I’m fine you two.”

That was the first time he was able to open his eyes and speak again.
He saw two small children about the ages of six. They were too small to be on there own especially in the forest. They wore baseball caps that read Quiver. They carried odd sticks curved and shaped like a crazy string but made out of strong maple wood. The ends held cystals sparkling, shiny crystals.

“Hey are you all right?”

“Yeah you were attacked by a Death walker. There rather nasty creatures.”

“Nasty indeed. I’m Cole.

“I’m Abeth. Where the crystal brothers. Whats your name?”

Cole had curly hair under his cap and his crystal; lighted green. Abeth on the other hand wore shaggy pointy hair and his crystal; shined orange. Their hair was both the same color a soft gold. There blue eyes and pale skin fit perfectly in the mist.
At that point he had to introduce himself.

“My name is Dan. Where am I?”

“Um… Cole I think we have a weird one on our hands. You're in the forest of darkening.”

“Dark what?” Dan said.

“Darkening Forest its called.” Cole said.

“Um… yeah I’m from NewYork, why am I here?” Dan said.

“New York? Wheres that at?” Abeth asked

“Wait Abeth I think he’s human.”

“Of course I’m human what else would I be?”

Abeth was so talkative Dan noticed but he forgot about it after what he said;

“Uh-oh, I think its happening Cole.”

“I think your right.”

The earth began to shake so violently. The light from there crystals glowed and all three of them were floating high above the trees. The spot in which they first stood crumbled to nothing-ness.

“We need to get to the cult and fast.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A New fresh start this is not based on my other story Its New. Please comment and subscribe if you want quicker updates.