Status: Still Active

Mages and Magazines


The drafts that went through Dan’s shirt and pants weren’t pleasant. The air was cold and beneath him he saw the forest in which just a few minutes ago he was laying in be sucked in by a horrifying black hole. However exanimate and lifeless the trees were they moved. The black hole as though the earth was a carpet sucked in every boulder, tree, bush, and towards the wetlands the damp grass and cattails. He was confused to a point where assuming he was dreaming was an obvious choice.

“Oh man, wait till the Arch Elder hears about this.” Cole was floating along side Abeth and Dan.

Dan who was buoyant in the air also looked down to a glowing crystal; Abeth’s crystal. His staff was bright. The light stretched a little ways down to the ground which continued to eat at its own self. Abeth remained in the air rambling on to Cole about what to do with Dan; who didn’t remain calm for much longer.

“Agh” Dan yelped. Please get me down what are you two?

“Funny, that’s what were trying to figure out about you mister.”

“Yeah” Cole agreed.

Dan once again; “Hey you know what I’ll give you money if that’s what you want. I got one hundred in my wallet just please, I’m scared of heights.”

“Listen Dan, right? Be quiet!” Cole expressed who upon the words felt very elated. Dan however was not at their liege. He was a man that had not taken much from people.

“Little kids can I wake up or something? You know; drop me down to my death so when I rise up in my adept bed and gasp the breath of return?

Abeth looked to him and said “No one returns to their world when they’ve been engulfed by the black whole. But I agree with my brother Cole here Shut it”!

Cole swung his staff as of holding back a hidden intent. “We are most certainly not!, little kids.”

“That’s what you look like” Said Dan who annoyed as he was begun to get some enjoyment out of the two.

“Then how exactly are old are you”?

“I'm actually sixteen.” Cole answered.

“And I’m seventeen.” Abeth added.

“We just look like nine year olds that’s all. Now back to business. How are we going to tell the Arch Elder about this and, at the same time not tell him about a wretched human getting into our world?”

“Hey if I’m human what are you two”?

“Where, um… where sort of mutts.”

““So in other words,” You’re a dog.”

“NO!” Cole stated.

Then Abeth added calmly. “No, where just mixed between many of the species here, that’s all.”

Aloud bang was heard. The sound came from below them. The black hole was plugged by a rather large boulder. The sound made clear that they were clearly wasting time.

Abeth now had a plan. “Listen this is how it’s going to go, remember that new spell we learned in class”?

“Yes, yes the item transportation! I remember it like the back of my hand.”

“Right, and if we transport something into our enchanted closet…”

“It won’t be picked up by the mage society. I have to love you brother Abeth”

“Aren’t I just a genius Cole?”

“Of course you are.”

Dan was still there pondering whether or not he should just kick the staff out of Abeth’s hands, and just wake up already by instantaneous death.
A flash of images entered his head, not new images but existing. These vivid pictures he had lived through and some how on the way here forgotten them. He remembered everything remembered what he had been bleeding from and that this current reality was in fact not a dream.

Inside Dan’s mind; He walked through streets one night, the sky entailed a black horizon, little gems of glitter and the bright moon that gave light to most of the massive city. He was a police officer patrolling an area of interest that came as a cry for help on his walkie-talkie. It was an old abandoned building he kicked the door down like he always wanted to. A lady lay on the floor she was bleeding by the looks of all the blood she was either dead or about to be. A shadow blurred past him he saw run towards the other room. He ran after the figure, into the room up the raggedy and creaking old wooden stairs. A task that was too easy due to his fitness. He got close; it was a man running, mid height, scrawny, long hair and very quick to boot. We almost flew over all the stairs until we got to the roof. When he realized he was trapped the man turned around. A crazy figure indeed the man was. His hair was long but gross no washing had done it good it seemed for weeks. His nose was wretched, cricket and protruding out from his face. Around, and around his eyes looked looking, or contemplating a way out

“Freeze, I need you to put your hands over your head where I can see them.”

He held a knife in his hand. He was smiling, it was a horrid display. The scars on his face said he had cut himself in the past many times.

“Drop your weapon!”

He didn’t listen, that’s when Dan busted a warning shot that impaled the ground in a flash. The man started moving and as awkward as it was Dan remained still, gun tip aligned with the man’s forehead.

Knifier,” He said and not even a moment later Dan felt the heat of his own blood running down his chest, a Knife, no, that man’s knife was incorporated into his breathing, deep into his heart. When he looked back up he saw the man mutter something then jump down the building as though the height was of five feet as a pose to thirty.

He remembered the pain, the cry for help and the walk all the way down the archaic stairs to find the ladies body was not in sight. He lay-down and felt he was drifting away. The knife; still in deep would only make him suffer more so he pulled it out and lying on the ground seemed to grant more comfort than his soothing bed back at home.

His thoughts were interrupted by Abeth and Cole who were around him now, muttering an incantation, or spell.

Then it occurred to him. “What was the item you planned on transporting”?

The two didn’t say anything they just kept to there sorcery. If there connection from the spell broke… he left out the rest fearing the images that were to follow. His figure became transparent he could feel him disappearing to nothingness, and then he was gone.
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If I see more views, subscriptions and commetns it will inspire me to post more frequent updates. Thats If the story is good and at least five, forget more will read.