One Funny Little Picture



Jason Kelly was looking through the pictures sent to his father for the contest. You see his father is a professional photographer, and also an expert with Photoshop. Jason was curios so he looked through all the photos sent to his father ranging form armature to professional to museum worthy. The one with the hands sticking out of the smaller pictures it was comprised of amazed him the most. It took some tricky work and a lot of time on Photoshop to make that particular one come to life. He sat there for who knows how long staring at it until his father jolted him out of his day dream.
“Son it’s time for dinner!”
“Coming Dad.” Jason called, putting the stack of entries down as fast as his muscular 6 foot frame could manage and raced down the stairs to tell hi father he was sorry for taking so long.
“Sorry Dad.”
“No problem. Did you look through the contest photos?”
“Yeah, I did”
“What did you think?”
“That some of them are the most amazing pictures I have ever seen. What’s the contest for?” Jason asked as they sat down for dinner. You see Jason’s Mom was on a business trip.
“The contest is for the University’s Art exhibit. I was asked to find my favorite picture. Which one is you favorite?”
“The one that is made up of smaller ones with the hands reaching through.”
“Yes, I like that one too.” He chuckled before speaking again. “We are intending to invite her to the exhibit. To receive and award for her art.”
“Cool,” Jason said with out interest. It was probably a girl much older then his 17 years. Great.
The art exhibit was the only thing his dad could talk about for the next few weeks and Jason was getting bored of it. The first two weeks were OK, but now it was unbearable. Now it was the night of the opening of it, and his dad couldn't’t be more excited. Jason was happy for his Dad but it was still annoying. When they walked in, both in new tuxedos, they were greeted by quite a few flashes of lights. So many that Jason could barely see.
“Come on Jason. Time to meet that wonderful brain behind that picture. She’s an amateur you know.” Jason doubted that. It was, in his opinion, a master piece.
“Hello,” came a quiet rely from a petite girl, no older then Jason himself.Jason looked up and was stunned to see the girl from the picture.
She looked stunning in a red one strapped dress that made her look like an angel. He was breath taken.
“Hi,” Jason managed to breathe out. She giggled at him. “So, what’s you name?”
“Aria,” she said softly.
“I’m Jason,” he said as they shook hands. His Dad had managed to slip away. “I really loved you picture. It was really crafty. How long did it take?”
“A few hours,” she seemed amused at his bad attempts at small talk. “You know, you should work on your social skills. Your photography is top notch, but your social skills, not so much,” she said lightly.
“Wait my pictures are in here?”
“Yeah, you didn’t know?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Oh, I’m sorry; it was probably supposed to be a surprise.”
“It’s OK. It’s still a surprise,” Jason said consolingly.
“Oh. OK. So…… What type of pictures are you favorites?” she asked.
“The ones where you puzzle over what inspired it.” Jason answered. From there they wandered over many other subjects until it was time for the contest winner to be announced.
“Fist off I would like to say it was my pleasure to judge this years Photography Contest……” and Jason’s father went on to a long winded speech about the importance of putting youth into art to help them. “Now, it is my pleasure to award the award for the best picture to … Aria!” Aria stood in shock and some how managed to stumble up to the podium to receive her award. It was a very nice plaque. The receiving of the award made her so happy that she even stumbled up to Jason an kissed him smack on the lips, causing fireworks to erupt for both of them. Little did they know it would be their last first kiss. All because of a funny little picture.
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