Outside Looking In


|Mitchel’s POV|

“Great there just went my social status right down the tubes.” I grumbled as I walked down the hall to my next class which happened to be English class.

The whole way I was fuming mad knowing that I was stuck with the most annoying intelligent person in the whole school, Jewel Davis. There is something about that girl that sets me on the edge every time I get near her, I mean it's like the whole room gets this weird aura around it. She is just too smart and kinda weird if you ask me.

“Mitchie baby, wait up!” My girlfriend’s high voice came from behind me and I gave a cringe at the nickname she produced for me.

I smiled thankful that Jewel was off my mind now, at least for a short time anyhow.

“Did you miss me at all?” Minnie asked batting her too dark and long fake lashes at me and I sighed inwardly knowing she was just dressing like this since she was queen.

“Of course I did.” I answered in my fake sickly sweet voice with a fake smile spreading across my lips, the only reason I dated her was because I was king of the school and she was queen.

Isn’t it like law for the king and queen of a school to date?

“Aww Mitchie baby, you are just too cute!” she squealed happily and I gave a small chuckle blushing lightly but not enough to really show. It's not manly to blush anyhow.

“Miss. Kingston get to class.” My English teacher sighed since we were hanging right outside the door and Minnie gave a little huff and walked off without a word.

Maybe she and I should just give it up. There's no love or even spark there.

“Come on Mr. Musso get in here.” Mr. Engle sighed and I entered the room to hear a few girls sigh at my very sight and I smirked and headed to my normal seat in the back.

|Jewel’s POV|

The blue paint blew up right in my face when I went to open it and I sputtered and tried to get the worse of it off me. It just wasn’t my day, first I get picked on by jocks; learn I have to tutor the king of them, and now this. Of all people it just had to be me.

“Oh my goodness! Jewel dear are you alright?” Mrs. C asked coming over with a wet cloth and wiping me off and I just sighed.

“I'm just peachy.” I said with a wide fake smile and she gave a laugh and let me finish cleaning myself off, at least it wasn’t clothes I was too worried about.

“Dear why don't you just try drawing today instead of the paints?” Mrs. C offered and I gave a grave nod knowing at least a pencil wouldn’t kill me, at least I hoped it wouldn’t.

“Its official today is the worst day ever.” I let out a huff of air and a laugh came from next to me and I looked up to see a girl with blackish hair look around from her canvas.

“You having troubles?” she asked with a small smile on her face letting me know that she was willing to listen and not judge me.

“You can say that.” I answered as I dug out my sketch book and pencils from my bag almost breaking the charcoal stick in the process.

“Oh my name is Phoebe, I'm new here.” She introduced herself, I had to smile seeing how sweet she was, maybe I could actually have a real friend.

“Jewel, I'm the queen nerd.” I said and she scrunched her brow together at this and blinked showing more confusion.

“Nerd? Really I would have thought you were popular. I mean you’re really pretty and you have to be in a sport you look like an athlete.” she replied and I let out a laugh.

“Not by a far shot, I'm really nothing like that. Everyone thinks I'm nerdy because I'm practically a genius, I am an art student and have the coordination of a toddler.” I sighed and she walked around her canvas and wiped her hands on her smock.

“Well back at my old school the smartest girl was queen bee, she was a lot like you. Jewel they just haven’t seen the real you yet, and when they do they will fall to their knees.” She said offering me a wide smile and I returned it gaining a little hope.
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or else I shall send Minnie Kingston and her high pitched voice to come and scare you in the night.