Outside Looking In


For the rest of the period, me and Phoebe talked. She came from California, and her parents were divorced. She lived with her mom, who had bought a house here in Ashcomb when she got offered a new job as a sculptor.

“That’s where I get my artistic talent from,” Phoebe said with a laugh.

I was glad that there had been a new kid in class today. It was just the thing I needed to brighten up this otherwise awful day. The bell rang, and I stood up.

“You want me to show you to the cafeteria?” I asked, grabbing my stuff. Phoebe nodded, standing up and putting on her backpack.

“Yes, please! If you don’t mind, can I sit with you too? Being the new kid hasn’t been helpful to making friends.” She added, smiling sheepishly. I laughed.

“Of course you can sit with me!” I said, and she grinned, linking arms with me.

“Great!” She said, and we left the art room, me waving to Miss C.

We reached the cafeteria with nothing too bad happening, and we got our food, sitting down at my regular table. It was a circular table, with a few chairs around it. I normally sat by myself, studying for a test coming up or something, but this time, I was with Phoebe.

“So, people don’t like you, or what?” She asked. Phoebe had turned out to be a very blunt person, not one to hold back. I laughed a little.

“Well, not really. I’m not what you would call popular.” I said, taking a bite of my pizza. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

“Popular. Psh.” She said, waving her hand dismissively. “Who is considered ‘popular’ here?” She asked, using air quotes. I turned around, scanning the cafeteria for Minnie.
As if on cue, Minnie walked in, followed by her posse of cheerleaders. On her arm was Mitchel, of course. A strange feeling of jealousy coursed through me, and I made a face, turning back to Phoebe.

“That’s the popular kids. Minnie is the blonde girl with the guy on her arm. The guy is Mitchel Musso.” I said in a disgusted voice. Phoebe looked over, and raised one eyebrow.

“He’s kinda cute.” She said with a slight shrug, turning back to my food.

“He’s too much of a jerk to be cute.” I said, rolling my eyes. “And I’m stuck tutoring him for the next few weeks. It’s going to be AWFUL, I already know it.” I groaned, shaking my head. Phoebe gave a light laugh.

“I’m sure it won’t be too bad.” I looked up at her, raising my eyebrows.

“You have no idea.” I told her, shaking a fry in her direction. Phoebe laughed, and shook her head.

“Well, he’s coming this way.” She said, looking behind me. I turned around to see that she was right. Mitchel was telling Minnie something, and then he unlatched himself from her, and began walking towards me and Phoebe.

“What does he want?” I muttered, turning back around to look at my food. There was a tap on my shoulder a few seconds later, and I looked up over my shoulder, to see Mitchel standing there, looking uncomfortable. I held back a smirk. Mr. Popular obviously didn’t like being in the losers section.

“Uh, Jewel, something came up. You’re going to have to meet me after football practice.”
Mitchel said, scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes.

“Why can’t we just meet in front of the library like we agreed?” I asked, looking up at him.

“Like I said, something came up. I’m not happy with it, but you’ll have to meet me after football practice.” He said, and I sighed. Not only was I going to have to tutor him, but I was going to have to sit through football practice to do it. Joy.

“Fine.” I said curtly, and he nodded.

“Okay. So….I’ll see you later. Bye.” He said, a little hesitant. I raised my eyebrows, and waved.

“Bye.” I said, and then he turned on his heel, walking back towards Minnie who was tapping her foot impatiently. I rolled my eyes again, turning back to look at Phoebe. She pouted.

“You didn’t introduce me.” She said, her pout turning into a grin as she laughed.

“I’m doing you a favor, trust me. But, if you really wanna meet him, come with me to practice today. I don’t want to have to endure it alone.” I said, taking another bite of my fries. Phoebe shrugged and nodded.

“Alright. I’ll text my mom to let her know.” She said, and I grinned. Football practice wouldn’t be so awful if I had a friend with me.


“Come on, Phoebe, lame football practice awaits us.” I said, catching up to her in the hallway. School had just ended, and it was time for me to face the hour of watching Mitchel and his stupid friends knock more brain cells out of each other. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

I know, I should probably cut back on the sarcasm. It’s not healthy.

Phoebe laughed, walking next to me. “Woo.” She said, twirling her finger around. I chuckled, walking with her towards to the football field.

When we got there, the cheerleaders were already on the field, practicing their little pom-pom routines. I rolled my eyes. Anyone can move around a pom-pom and shout in rhyme. It didn’t take much brain cells, lucky for them.

We moved into the bleachers, sitting down up high in the bleachers. I shaded my eyes with one hand, looking over the football field, wondering when the stupid players would be here.
This really wasn’t where I belonged. Everyone that hated me or liked to make fun of me was here. I wasn’t scared, just a little annoyed.

Finally, they ran out onto the field, followed by the coach who was blowing his whistle extremely loud. Mitchel was the easiest to spot, he was at the front of the group, and he was one of the smaller guys on the team. The number on his yellow and black jersey was 17, I noted. He turned to look at the cheerleaders, waving at Minnie, who giggled loud enough for me and Phoebe to hear, and then looked up into the bleachers, where Phoebe and I were sitting. He waved slightly, and I raised my hand to wave back, and then put it down quickly, remembering what I was doing.

Since when does your heart flutter, Jewel?
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