Outside Looking In


Phoebe looked at me then at Mitchel then back at me and grinned widely. I knew she was about to say something I really didn’t want to hear. So I sucked in some air and braced myself for the words she was about to say.

“You like him!” she said and clapped a little and I let out my air and looked down at the field again to see Mitchel weaving around the other players somehow missing them by a fraction of a second.

“You must have been drugged during lunch there Phoebe, I don't like Mitchel Musso at all.” I said turning to her and she laughed loudly and the cheerleaders looked up and glared at us.

“Jewel, you are lying to me and yourself, you really like this boy. I mean come on look at how you look at him, there is this hope that he notices you in a different light.” She said stating another fact, well at least she thought she was.

I don't like Mitchel. I don't I don't I don't!

“Don't huff at me missy, I'm only telling you what I see.” She said putting her hands up defensively and I shook my head.

“I know that Phoebe but I really don't look at him like that. the thing is I don't want him to notice me, or anyone to notice me. I like being to myself or having one or two friends. That way I'm not finding myself lost in the cliché world of high school.” I told her and looked at my beat up converse that had splatters of paint dotting them making them a rainbow.

“Jewel you don't have to be secluded to a small group just to stay true to who you are, you can have a lot of friends and still be you. Take a chance for once, please?” she asked and I sighed.
“He has a girlfriend though.” I said and she laughed shaking her head and giving her big brown eyes a roll and looked between Mitchel and Minnie.

“Just because he is with her doesn't mean he loves her. He could love you.” She said and I let out a laugh hearing those words together.

He could love me. HA!

“Yeah if we lived in an alternate universe.” I snorted and Phoebe just gave up seeing I wasn’t an easy person to get through to.

|Mitchel’s POV|

About mid practice we took a short break to grab some water and breathe a little more and I looked at Minnie who waved with her pompom and I sent her a small smile and I looked up to see Jewel sitting there with her little friend. She didn’t give me a glance and I was quite thankful for that because I didn’t want Minnie killing my tutor, I wasn’t about to repeat that history class. Yet there was a part of me wanting and hoping she would give me the chance of a glance.

Am I crushing on Jewel Davis?

I swallowed hard and avoided the glanced of the other players and cheerleaders knowing that I didn’t hide my fear too well. Of course then Minnie had to throw herself at me and she saw the weird look on my face and hers twisted in a very unattractive way. My whole body shrunk back and she nearly blew a gasket but she soon let it blow over since others were there. But I knew I was in for it while I drove her home after practice.

-After practice-

“Mitchel Tate Musso why were you hiding from me and what was with that look on your face?” she hissed at me and I swallowed hard gripping the wheel trying not to swerve.

“It was just a thought; don't make it something it's not Minnie.” I sighed and she huffed crossing her arms and not seeming to believe it.

“Mitchie you know that I love you right?” she asked and I hit the brakes a little hard and we jerked which made her huff again and fixed her hair.

She didn’t just say the L word.

“Uh oh I'm in deep crap now.” I whispered to myself and soon I found myself at Minnie’s house and she looked at me her wide eyes almost pleading me to spill my secret.

The secret that was the key to my whole demise, social demise anyhow; it wouldn’t affect my grades or playing just my social status since Jewel isn’t exactly popular.

“I'll see you tomorrow Mitchie, love you.” She cooed and kissed me before jumping out of the car and giving me a wave as I threw the car into drive again.

“This is not how I planned this year to go, I was supposed to be captain of the football team and dating head cheerleader. Not this...” I sighed to myself and turned heading towards home.
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