Restless Heart Syndrome

"Jesus Of Suburbia."

[Leanne’s P.O.V.]
*2 Years after being diagnosed with breast cancer*

I stood in front of the mirror in my first day outfit. My first day, as a senior. My first day of the last year I have to go to school. I drove to school with a couple of friends. Even though I was super sick, I had to go to school for the first day. This damn disease was really starting to affect my immune system, more then ever before.

We pulled up to school seeing all of our friends, some new freshman walking around lost in the halls. It’s hard to believe that I was a freshman only four years ago. I miss those days, the days before I was sick. I had kept my disease a secret since the day I found out. We went through the day with the usual, back to school, welcome to my class, nice to meet you, speeches from all the teachers. Finally lunch came, and I had lunch with all my friends, somehow?

I kept feeling like someone was staring at me. I turned around and looked everywhere. I saw a kid, who appeared to be new, staring at me. His piercing green eyes looked dead into my blue eyes. I turned back to my friends ignoring him. I ran my fingers through my light brown hair and fixed my short shorts.

"Hey guys whose that kid over there?" I asked slightly pointing to the mystery boy.
"I don't know? He’s in my photography class. I think his name is James? Jimmy? Something like that." My best friend Gloria said.

I loved Gloria we had been friends since preschool. She was one of the prettiest nicest girls in school. She had long brown hair, was skinny as a twig, and had the kindness of a saint. I told her everything, well almost everything.

Her obnoxious boyfriend, Christian, came over and sat with us. I hated him. He treated everyone except her like dirt.
I couldn't stand to be around him, so I left. I also left because I was feeling like I would throw up any minute. I went to the bathroom and did throw up. I cleaned up and opened the door to find mystery boy standing there. I was getting a better look at his spiky black hair, dirty skinny jeans, and a dirtier tee shirt

"You hung over?" He says to me.

"No? I'm sick dumb ass." I said walking right past him.

"No need to get nasty just asking. If you were hung over the best way to forget it is to get high." He said smirking.

"You're crazy! Get away from me."

"Listen I was kidding! I'm sorry let’s start over I'm Jimmy." He said smiling.

"I'm Leanne."

"Nice to meet you Leanne. You wouldn't happen to be able to help a new kid find his way to his next classes?"

"Umm sure what grade are you in?"

"12th.You?" He said handing me his schedule.

"Same. As a matter of fact you're in my next class." I said smiling. He smiled back at me. The bell rang and we were off to class. We were talking about just random stuff. He told me where he moved from people called him "The Jesus of Suburbia." as a joke. I had no idea why, but didn't ask questions.

I tried to take all the less crowded hallways so less people would see me talking to him. I mean he was nice an all but I would loose my reputation if I was seen talking to him. We walked into class and he saw all my friends, and flew to the back of the class.

The rest of the periods flew by. I told Jimmy how to get to his classes, and we went our separate ways. I felt so sick I needed to get home. This fucking disease I can’t take it.