Restless Heart Syndrome

Everybody's Changing.

[Jimmy’s P.O.V.]
* A day before Thanksgiving. *

My dad had improved a lot. He had checked himself into a rehab center, and he wasn't home for the holiday. Usually my dad would spend tomorrow high or drunk at some, low class, out of style bar with is friends, but I'm actually proud of where he'll be tomorrow. I've been staying at Leanne's a lot in her basement. When I'm not there I'm here alone.

Leanne and I were sitting on her bed she was feeling sick as usual. This poor girl was sick all the time. When ever she was sick i would come over after school, and hang with her.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" She turned to me and asked.

"Nothing. Dad wasn't able to come home so I'm going to just watch TV all day."

"That's not what Thanksgiving is about!" She said looking at me disgusted.

"Sure it is! What do you think it’s about?"

"It's about being with your family and being thankful for what you have, together." She said smiling.

"You're crazy! Thanksgiving is all about eating turkey and watching TV all day."

"Listen come to my Thanksgiving dinner, see what family's all about."

"Family's to complicated." I said jokingly.

"Come on. You're over here almost everyday, it wont be different tomorrow. Just with a lot more people around." She said smiling. I sat and thought.

"Okay what the hell. I have nothing better to do."

"Awesome, but Jimmy no offense, but you usually don’t wear jeans and ripped t-shirts."

"Oh! What the hell should I wear then?"

"Do you have like dress pants? And a button up shirt or something?"

"Uhh no! I don't even know what those things look like." I said laughing.

"Well come on!" She said jumping out of her bed.

"Uhh where? You're sick."

"Shopping! You need clothes." She said grabbing clothes and going into the bathroom. I sat, a little confused, on her bed. She came back in very excited.

"Come on!" She said pulling on my hand.

"Wait a minute!" I said taking her hand and pulling her back on the bed.

"You're really sick." I said feeling her burning head.

"I don't care! I never miss a chance to go shopping!" She said getting up and pulling me out of her room.

That was what I loved about her. She was always so energetic, no matter what. We drove listening to Green Day the whole ride, singing and laughing. I was actually disappointed when we got to the mall. I had never been to the mall, and I never go shopping so Leanne spent the whole time pulling me from store to store. She found me these ugly dressy pants and a polo. I hated it. She loved it. I had to get it because she said so. I never had anyone buy me clothes before.

Why the hell was she so nice to me? I mean I was a dirt bag, and she still was nice to me. I had always promised myself I would never change my ways for anyone, but she makes me want to be a better person. I hated that I was falling in love with her because I had never truly been in love. I mean sure I've hooked up with plenty of girls, but never loved any of them, at least not like I do Leanne.

We were just about ready to leave the mall when we saw her, Gloria, and her whole little crew. We exchanged dirty looks for a little while. Leanne and I tried to just ignore them until they started walking behind us. Then Christian tripped Leanne, and then Gloria 'accidentally' spilled her drink all over Leanne. We had the attention of everyone in the mall. I looked down at a shocked, pissed, and embarrassed Leanne. I helped her up and looked at Gloria, and Christian.

I was so angry so I just hit Christian as hard as I could. I pushed him to the floor, and started to beat the crap out of him. I felt Leanne and Gloria trying to pull me off of him. All of a sudden I didn't feel them there. I looked behind me and Leanne had grabbed Gloria by her hair and threw her to the floor. I was to angry to stop hitting Christian I didn't stop until security pulled me off of him. He was bleeding, and practically crying. Then I looked at Leanne, who they pried off of Gloria. I was very proud of her. I never thought that girl could fight, but then again Gloria is spineless, and weak, but I'm still proud of her.

We sat in security for a half hour until Leanne's mom came and got us. She looked pissed. Leanne stood up to defend her self, but her mom just told her to sit. We looked at each other, and knew we were in trouble. I couldn't help but smile though. Probably because I don’t care how much trouble I get in it was worth it. We walked out of the mall in pure silence.

When we got into the car, and Leanne's mom started laughing. Our jaws dropped. We looked at each other, very confused.
"Mom? What’s so funny?"

"I wish I would have seen that bitch Gloria's face when you hit her." Kathleen said while laughing. Leanne looked at me like she had seen a ghost.

"Mom! She said laughing.

"What? I never liked that Gloria girl anyway." She said pulling out of the parking space, and continued to drive off.

"So you're not mad?"

"Not one bit! I'm proud of both of you." She said looking back at me in the rear view mirror. When we got home before we went in the house Kathleen pulled me aside.

"Jimmy thank you very much."

"For what?"

"For changing Leanne. Since she has become friends with you she’s become much more happy. Also thank you for defending her. The officer told me what happened so thank you."

"No problem." I said smiling.
Guess this whole change for the better works for both of us.

We hung out in Leanne's house for a little while. Leanne's mom made me try on, and basically model, my clothes for her. I felt humiliated, but was actually able to laugh at myself. I felt so comfortable in their hoses, even more the how I feel in my house.