Restless Heart Syndrome

Break Your Little Heart.

[Jimmy's P.O.V.]
* Thanksgiving. *

I went to Leanne's like 12 to help set up and everything. When her family showed up, they were all interrogating me.

"So Jimmy, what are you're plans for college?"
"What do you want to be when you're older?"
"How do you expect to raise a family with no job?"

The questions were just coming at me left, and right. This family was so judgmental. They could tell I was trouble, they knew it I knew it, and they were just waiting for me to show it. I felt like I was in high school, everyone just waiting for you to mess up. Do something wrong, or say something wrong. They were trying to find something wrong about you to talk to others about. I was trying as hard as I could not to mess things up.

Before dinner Leanne pulled me upstairs to her room quick.
"I'm so sorry about this. I'm not fond of this side of the family.

"It's okay it isn't your fault." I said smiling, as we were called back down for dinner.

I sat at the table getting dirty looks left and right. As much as I couldn't stand this family, I loved being with a family for a change. The dinner was really good. I'm so used to TV dinner's and soda for Thanksgiving, and just sitting around probably high, or doing nothing. It felt nice to be sober, around a dinner table, and have some people around with me who cared about me.

After dinner Leanne and I played with the little kids. I was hanging out with her little cousin Charlie who was just telling me his whole life story, and I was telling him mine, well with out some major details.
"Do you like Lee Lee?" He turned to me and asked. I looked at Leanne who, thankfully, didn't hear.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I know it's true!"

"Well how do you know?"

"Is it?" He asked looking confused. I looked over at her to make sure she wasn't listening.

"Yeah kid. I do. I like her a lot." I whispered.

"EWW! Girls are gross!" He said disgusted with my answer.

"That will all change when you get older."

"Not for me I'm going to keep to myself forever." He told me walking away. I sat there thinking to myself did I just admit to a 4 year old I liked Leanne? Jesus I need more friends. Leanne came over to me.

"Having fun with Charlie?" She said laughing.

"Yeah we're homies." I said calling him over for a high five.

"Right Charlie we’re buddies?" I asked.

"HE LIKES YOU!" He screamed to Leanne. I lost all air in my body. I was trying to play it off cool.

"Yeah I like her as a friend." I said covering.

"NO! You said 'yeah I like her a lot.' I'm not lying!"

"Yeah I meant I like her a lot for having me over for dinner."

"LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!" He was yelling. At that moment his mom called his name, and she couldn't have been more on time. Leanne just kind of laughed at the whole thing. She didn't mention it again.

It was time for me to head home, and Leanne was taking me back. When we stopped at the house she looked worried.
"Something wrong?" I asked before leaving her car.

"Charlie was just kidding when he said you liked me right?"

"Of coarse! He's 4!" I said covering. She looked more upset then before.


"Because maybe I... never mind. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She said kind of pissed.

"Oh okay bye thanks for dinner." I said leaving. I watched her leave, and she looked really upset. What did I do?

[Leanne's P.O.V.]

Is he blind! Doesn't he get that I like, maybe even love, him a lot! I practically throw myself at him, and he doesn't even notice. I care about him so much, and how he just denied liking me, was kind of a slap in the face. Maybe I shouldn't like him. Maybe we're just not meant to be. Maybe I'll never know what love is before I die.