Restless Heart Syndrome


[Leanne's P.O.V.]
* Christmas eve. *

Jimmy was over with my family again, which wasn't as bad as last time. This time we were hanging out in my room a little more. My feelings for Jimmy hadn't changed. I still cared about him, but it scared me to possibly be in love, with him. I got him a 'Green Day' CD, the one he has wanted forever, for Christmas. I hope he likes it.

"I want to give you your present now." I said to him.

"Okay then I'll give you mine." He said reaching underneath my bed, where he put it earlier, and pulling out a little box wrapped in vibrant red wrapping paper, and a bow on top.

"You first!" I said handing him a little green, red, and gold bag, with tissue paper inside.

"Okay then." He said laughing a little. He pulled out some pieces of tissue paper, and pulling out the 'Bullet in the Bible.' DVD/CD package. He looked amazed.

"Oh my god Leanne! I have wanted this for the longest time! Thank you so much!" He said giving me a huge hug.

"Now you open mine." He said anxiously. I unwrapped the red paper off the box. It was a blank box.

"Look inside the box." He said. I opened the box, and there was a necklace box. I opened it up and saw a necklace, which was two hearts locked together. The hearts had diamonds on them, and were gold. I was so shocked. It was amazing!

"Jimmy! This is beautiful!"

"Its nothing special. Just a little thank you I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean thank you for helping me become a better person." He said getting a little red.

"Oh Jimmy this is so sweet!" I said giving him a bigger hug then he gave me.

"Here let me put it on.” He said reaching for it. He put it on for me, and I loved it even more.

After dinner Jimmy and I took a ride to a near by pond. It looked beautiful in the winter moon. The pond was basically frozen over, but it looked even more beautiful that way. I was so cold, but I didn't want to show it, wasn't working out so well. My teeth were chattering, and my hands were numb.
"Cold a little?" Jimmy said laughing a little.


"Here." He said taking off his jacket and putting it on my shoulders.

"No wont you be cold?"

"I'll survive." He said smiling. At that moment I felt a flake on my nose. I looked up and it was snowing! I was so excited. It was the first snow of winter.

"Jimmy! It's snowing!"

"Yeah... and."

"Come on play with me in the snow." I said making him stand up and dance around with me. I felt like I was 5 years old. Even Jimmy was having fun. I did like 20 circles, and eventually fell, and Jimmy fell next to me.

"If I was to die right now I would not have any regrets." I said looking at the sky.

"If you were to die right now I would probably have a big regret."


"This." He said leaning in and kissing me. I was so shocked. Was I going to stop it? NO! That was my first kiss. I could never , would never imagine it with anyone else.

He pulled away from me, and I was so happy I smiled at him.
"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that!" He said getting up and leaving.

"Jimmy! Why are you sorry?"

"I shouldn't have done what I just did."

"Why are you sorry? I liked it...a lot, and maybe I have wanted to do that for the longest time."

"Maybe I've kind of liked you since the first time I saw you..."

"Maybe I feel the same way." I said kissing him again. This couldn't have been more perfect, even if I tried. We stayed at the pond until we couldn't feel any part of our bodies. I drove him home, and gave him a goodnight kiss. I had never felt so amazing in my whole life.

I had to step away from the thought of love. I was sick, and it wouldn't be fair to him if we fell in love and I...

I pushed those bad thoughts out of my head, and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

[Jimmy's P.O.V.]

I sat up watching TV thinking about how I really kissed her! It didn't help a little she said it was perfect. This was incredible! She liked me, a lot apparently. I hope she loves me like I love her.