Restless Heart Syndrome

"Little girl why are you crying?"

[Leanne's P.O.V.]

I had been waiting at the hospital for 3 hours since Jimmy came here. The doctor said he was lucky to be alive because he had alcohol poisoning, and had over dosed on cocaine. They said the cocaine was speeding his heart rate triple the amount it normally beats, then the alcohol was slowing it down just as much all at the same time. I had felt horrible about what happened I couldn't believe my parents said that about him, I cant believe I said that about him. I always thought of myself as a non-judgemental type of person, but i judged Jimmy right off the bat, but he ended up being the perfect person to ever be with, no wonder he hated me.While I was thinking I heard my name.
"Leanne?" Said Mary a woman who knew my mother.

"Hey Mary. Do you know if Jimmy Stain is okay?"

"He's awake, but still drowsy, you can see him if you'd like?"

"Yes please show me where he is?" I asked standing up anxiously.

"Right this way." She said taking me down the hall. As I followed I felt like my heart was beating 3 times faster then it should. We reached the door and Mary knocked then went in.
"Mr. Stain? You have a visitor." Mary said checking his charts. He looked over at me, and I just saw sadness in his eyes like I had never seen in him before. I was so taken back by him lying there with Iv's in his arm again I just stood there shocked.

"I'll leave you two alone." Mary said leaving. We stared at each other for about 5 minutes.

"Why did you save me?" Jimmy finally said blankly.

"Because I love you." I said holding back tears.

"I thought I was too low for your standards." he said looking away.

"Jimmy please listen! I said that before I knew you. Before I stopped obsessing over looks and how others perceived me. I made a mistake by saying what I said, and I am truly sorry I hate myself for it, but please Jimmy I can't live with out you." i said moving towards his bed and holding his hand.

"Even if I did believe you, which I don't know if I do, your parents still hate me." he said turning back at me.

"They don't hate you! They are just concerned they know you have a rough past, and they're just worried for you and for me. Once I explain that everything's different with you and me they will understand."

"I dont deserve an understanding. I relapsed Leanne...I am weak I can't even manage a couple months sober."

"You were upset, and we can get you help. Ill help you through this as best I can I promise. Please Jimmy make me happy again and be my boyfriend." I said taking his hand in mine and holding it tighter.

"You deserve better then me I need serious help...and you don't want me"

"Jimmy I need help too. I was going to tell you soon, but I was so happy we were together... I got the news that my cancer is a stage 4 now. I am going to have to start more intense chemo, and I might have my boobs removed." I said sobbing. he just looked at me like he had just seen a ghost.

"So Jimmy we both need help, and to be honest I don't think I can get through this without you. Please Jimmy I need you more then ever." I continued pleading with him.

[Jimmy's P.O.V.]
Those words struck my heart like a bullet. How could I have been so selfish, and not even wanted to hear her part. Obviously she wanted to be with me or she wouldn't have been here begging me to be with her. I just don't know if I am emotionally ready for this.
"Listen Leanne I care about you more then I even care about myself, but I have never been in a relationship before, and I don't want to make this time more stressful for you."

"Jimmy please Im begging you. Stay with me? I'll help you through rehab, and wont push my disease on you-"

"No Lee you don't get it I want to be there for you, but I cant. How am i supposed to help someone else, when I cant even help myself?"

"Because I will help you, and we can help each other. We can work off each others
strengths, and weakness'" She said with tears flowing down her cheeks. I sat there and realized who am I to turn her away? She needs me, and she's the girl of my dreams. If I turn her away I might lose her forever, and I cant lose something that important to me again.

"You're right Leanne, I care bout you, in fact I love you Leanne. I would be crazy to let you go...forgive me please?" I said putting my hand on her face and wiping the tears.

"Of course I forgive you, and did you really just love me?" She said half smiling.

"Yeah I did. I love you Leanne." I said kissing her gently. I pulled away and looked at her gorgeous face, which was smiling.

"I love you too Jimmy." She said starting to cry again.

"Little girl why are you crying?"

"No! These are happy tears. This is the best news I have had in years." She said smiling, and then I realized, she still has cancer, and it's getting worse.

"How long until you start intense chemo?"

"Next week, and Jimmy?"


"Will you still love me if my hair falls out, and if I do lose my boobs?" She said looking down.

"Are you insane? I love you no matter what! I think you're beautiful with or without hair or
boobs or what ever. I think you're beautiful cause of your personality, and nothing will change that." I said pulling her close to me.

"We're going to be okay." I continued as I played with her hair.

"No matter what happens we have each other...forever?"

"Forever." I said kissing her forehead. I had just had the best and worst day of my life. Leanne came into my bed and we laid together till she fell asleep on me, and I was just admiring her, and how lucky I was. i felt horrible that this amazing human being was so sick. Why is that even fair?
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Sorry it has been so long! I am trying to get back in the swing of writing again! I have really missed it, and I will try to keep up with it =) please comment let me know if you guys like it. =)