Restless Heart Syndrome

"Little Girl, You Dirty Liar."

[Leanne’s P.O.V.]
*Next Friday*

The first full week of school, and I was only in school 2 out of the 4 days, so far, so I have to go today. . I've been sicker then I've ever been before. The school knew about my situation, and wasn't holding it against me. I got dressed, sucked up all my pain, and went to school. I saw all my friends, who were all worried about me.
"Oh my god Leanne! Are you okay?" Gloria questioned hugging me.

"I'm fine just a little sick."

"You feel better?"

"A little, Gloria can I talk to you privately?" I said pulling her over to an empty part of the hallway. Christian gave me a disgusted look, and I gave him one right back.

"What’s wrong Lee?"

"The real reason why I have been sick so much is because... I have breast cancer. I've had it for 2 years. I didn't tell you because they said it would go away, but its just gotten worse." I said tearing up.

"Wait what exactly does breast cancer do to you?" She asked confused. I explained to her how your body makes too much defective white blood cells, and therefore weakening your immune system.

"Oh my god Leanne I'm so sorry!" She said hugging me.

"It's okay just do not tell anyone!"

"I wont I promise." She said as the bell rang.

I went through a couple more periods, and then it was time for lunch. I walked into lunch, and felt as if everyone's eyes were on me. I walked to my table ignoring the stares. I sat down and Christian, my archenemy, gave me a hug. I pushed him off.
"What the hell?"

"I heard about your-" He stopped because Gloria hit him.

"YOU TOLD HIM?" I screamed at her.

"Well... yeah."

"GLORIA! YOU PROMISED TO KEEP IT A SECRET! WHO ELSE DID YOU TELL?" I screamed, apparently really loudly, loud enough for the whole lunchroom to hear. Then my whole table, and all the other senior kids raised their hands.

"GLORIA!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry I only told a couple people then they told everyone else."

"You shouldn't have been telling anyone!"

"I'm sorry... can you please forgive me." She said reaching for a hug. I shoved her away.

"Never. Don't ever talk to me again you slut." I said turning and walking away from her. I looked back at her disgusted face. I ignored it and walked out of the lunchroom. I walked into and empty hallway, and saw my friend Jimmy a couple feet away.

"Hey, what are you doing here." He said smiling. I just started crying, I fell to the floor.

"Are you okay?" He said walking over by me and sitting next to me.

"Not at all! My best friends a lying slut, the whole school knows a big secret I had, and I feel like shit."

"Okay calm down." He said hugging me.

"Now tell me what happened." He continued. I sobbed my way through the story.

"I'm so sorry Leanne."

"That’s what everyone says!" I said standing up.

"That’s what everyone says, then they start feeling bad for me! That’s why I didn't want to tell anybody. I can’t stand pity!" I continued.

"I wasn't going to pity you. Pity makes people feel weak. Like they need people to tell them it will be okay, for it to actually be okay. You need to be strong, especially in this situation."

"It's kind of hard when you've been given 6 months to live."

"God! I hate when doctors do that! Who the fuck are they to tell someone when they are going to die!"

"I don't know. I am starting radiation tonight, and I am scared."

"Don't be you're strong. I can tell." He said smirking at me.

"Thanks Jimmy." I said hugging him. At first he was hesitant to hug back, but when he wrapped his arms around me, I felt... safe, for the first time in a long time. I felt so comfortable with him, but I would never go out with a guy like him.