Restless Heart Syndrome

Meeting The Family.

[Jimmy’s P.O.V.]

We met up outside school. She showed me where her car was parked. The car was filled with pictures of her friends, Gloria, and some family. She ripped the pictures of Gloria, and the others, and ripped them up to pieces. When we started driving down the road she threw the pieces out the window.
"You're really sick of those girls aren’t you?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I was getting sick of them before this happened. They were all to shallow, and fake."

"That's why I like you. You're a down to earth girl.” I said smiling at her, and making her blush.

"That’s why I like hanging out with someone who isn’t concerned about, weight, sex, partying, and what other people think of them."

"Now that we know we both enjoy each other’s company." I said making both of us laugh a little. I hadn't smiled this much, while sober, since I was a kid.

"Well this is my house." She said pulling into the driveway of a very nice house. She got out of the car, and I was still in the car for some reason.

"You going to come?" She questioned. I snapped out of what ever daze I was in, and got out of the car. I followed her into her house. I walked into a living room area, with a lot of family pictures around.

"Hey mom I’m home, and I brought my friend Jimmy." Leanne called into the kitchen, which was near by. I noticed Leanne's senior picture in the living room. I walked over to it and examined it.

"Oh that isn't such a great one of me." She said modestly.

"I think you look beautiful." I said, realizing I just said something really awkward. At that moment her mom came in the room. Leanne looked just like her mom, because her mom was pretty too.

"Hi Jimmy. I'm Leanne's mother, Kathleen. It's nice to meet you." She said smiling at me.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you too. Thank you for having me over."

"No problem! Any friend's of Leanne are friend's of mine."

"Okay! Mom we’re going to go into my room, and hang out." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs. I walked into her lime green room, which surprisingly had 'Green Day' posters everywhere!

"You like Green Day?" said sitting on her bed.

"I love them!"

"Haha me too."

"All my other friends thought I was weird for liking them."

"I don't. Listen just forget them, and what ever they said about you. Any judgments they had about you are gone."

"I know and it feels good to know I don't have to be 'perfect' around anyone anymore." She said turning on her radio, and started dancing. I laughed a little.

"Come on! Dance with me!" She said grabbing my hands, and dancing.

"I don't dance." I said breaking free of her grip, and sitting down. Then the song changed from upbeat, to a slow song.

"Please dance with me! Or I'll dance by myself!" She said slow dancing, as if someone was with her. I couldn’t help but notice she was doing it all wrong. I couldn't help but step in and help.

"You do it like this." I said holding her hand, and putting my other hand on her lower back.

We started to dance. We were actually kind of good, until Leanne tripped and fell on top of me. We were on the floor laughing hysterically. We stopped, and just kind of looked at each other. We both were slowly moving towards each other. Was I really about to kiss her?

"Lee Lee!" I heard a young voice scream. Of coarse I wasn't really going to kiss her.

Leanne jumped off of me. I sat up disappointed, and curious who the voice was. I saw a little blonde boy at the doorway, who was no older the 6.

"Hey Josh! I want you to come here, and meet my friend Jimmy." She said opening her arms for a hug. He ran over and gave her a big hug.

"Josh this is my friend Jimmy. Jimmy this is my, technically half brother, Josh."

"Hey Josh." I said putting my hand up for a high five. He gave me big high five.

"Tell Jimmy about Kindergarten Josh."

"Today I made the letter J, like Josh!" He said with such excitement, innocence, and happiness. I missed that.

"You know I have a J in my name too. J for Jimmy. We both have J's"

"Yay!" He said clapping. At that moment, a tall blonde man walked into Leanne’s room.

"Hello?" He said looking at me.

"George this is Jimmy. Jimmy this is my step-dad George."

"Hello Jimmy." He extended his hand to me. I shook his hand, like a polite person.
"Come on Josh lets get out of here. Oh and Leanne you're not going to the doctors tonight." George said to the little boy. He waved good bye, and I waved, and smiled. I saw Leanne light up.

"I've never seen you smile like that Jimmy!"

"I like kids, what can I say." I said laughing.

"You are such a different person, then I thought you were when I first met you." She said smiling.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I said standing up getting angry.

"No not like that! I mean I just thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me."

"Well I thought the same about you.” I said sitting down and getting a little shy. I was having so much fun with her, I was dreading going back home to my dad.