Restless Heart Syndrome

He's A Rebel...

[Leanne's P.O.V.]
*The day before Halloween. *

Jimmy and I had become such good friends. He came over my house every Friday. Usually we would just hang out in my room doing stupid stuff. He was a lot of fun to be around. Even if I was sick, he would come over and sit in my room and make me laugh. He would make me forget I was sick, and I loved him for that!

We sat in 'our' hallway, which was an empty hallway where we sat, for lunch. We were talking about how was spent our past Halloweens.

"A couple year's ago my friends and I were so drunk we walked into taco bell demanding candy, then we threw forks and stuff at them when they didn't give us candy." Jimmy said laughing.

"That’s so funny!"
Listen Leanne can I confess something to you?" He said getting serious.

"Sure? What’s wrong?" I asked worried.

"Before I met you for a long time... I was... I guess you can say...addicted to.... cocaine." He said looking down, ashamed.

"You do cocaine?" I questioned in shock.

"No I did. I just thought I would let you know."

"Well I do appreciate your honesty."

"Don't worry. I haven’t done it since the first day of school. I'm fine."

"You promise?"

"I swear!"

"Well thank you for letting me know. You going to come over tomorrow?" I asked trying to change the subject. I mean I was a little upset, but I wasn't going to ruin our friendship over it.


"My mom wants me to take Josh trick or treating, but I'm not feeling so good. So hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow."

"Okay. If not I'll stay with you, and we can terrorize little children." He said making me laugh.

[Jimmy's P.O.V.]
*The next day*
Leanne wasn't in school, but I was going to go over there anyway. I walked out of one of my classes and saw bright pink posters with Leanne's name and picture on them. I got closer to read. I was so disgusted with what I saw.
' Leanne is a prude bitch!'

' She doesn't have breast cancer she has AIDS!'

' She’s a pregnant whore!'
Then I saw one that really pissed me off. It was a picture of Leanne and I hugging, and in bold letters it said
' LEANNE DOES DRUGS WITH THIS KID!' That set me off the edge.

I started running down the hall ripping each poster off the wall, and throwing them in the garbage.
I saw a couple more with my face, which said 'He gave her AIDS.' 'He got her pregnant.' etc.
Each one with another nasty thing. Some kids had them in their hands laughing. I ripped it out of their grip and crumpled them up in front of them.

" That’s the kid!" I heard a lot of people talking.

" He's the drug addict."

"He got her pregnant!"
I heard everyone talking, but I ignored it all. I stormed into the lunchroom, and walked right up to Gloria.

"Back off! I'm just letting the public know the truth."

"You know it’s not true, but if you want to say anything about Leanne again say it to me. In fact..." I said standing up on the nearest table. I soon had everyone's attention.

"You all disgust me! Making fun of a girl whose really sick, and when she’s not here! You're all cowards. From now on if you have something to say about my friend come talk to me." I said picking up an empty plastic trey a kid had.

I slammed it on my head and it broke in half. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, but I made my point. The teachers were all yelling at me to get down, so I jumped down off the table. I saw a look of craze in Gloria's eyes. She was pissed, but I don't give a fuck.

*After School. *
I was standing outside school waiting for a bus. These kids walked past me and smiled at me. One of them came up to me. A girl with brown hair, and brown eyes. She had braces, and was a little nerdy.
"Hi I know I don't know you, or Leanne, but I think you standing up for her was really nice." She said in a shy little voice.

"Thanks a lot." I said smiling back. I felt really good about myself, knowing I did a good thing.