Restless Heart Syndrome

Tales From A Broken Home.

[Jimmy’s P.O.V.]

I walked into the house. It was dead silent. Did my dad go to sleep? Am I off the hook? I heard him moving on the couch. I ran upstairs. I closed my door, and locked it. I lay down in my bed pretending to sleep. He slammed through the door, and turned on the light. I was still faking it like I was asleep.
"Why'd you turn on the light?" I said sleepily.

"You're so full of shit! I know you weren't home! Don't know where you were, but I know you weren't here!" He said ripping my covers off me, revealing I still had my clothes, and shoes on.

"Those don't look like pajamas." He continued.

"I was too tired to change!" I said getting up backing away from him.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He said grabbing me by my shirt, and throwing me into my mirror. The pieces shattered all over me. I felt pain everywhere. He proceeded to kick me. He was throwing pieces of the broken glass, causing me to bleed out more. I got up and threw something at him. I had no idea what I threw, but hit his head.

I immediately saw an opportunity. I ran downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and hid in a near by closet. I was bleeding everywhere, I felt so weak I wanted to pass out. I heard him come down the stairs. I heard him screaming my name. Every minute I felt like I was loosing almost a gallon of blood. I felt my heart beat getting slower and slower.

I heard him go back upstairs and slam the door. I ran out of the closet, and ran for the front door. I was able to run to the end of the block. I noticed a trail of blood behind me. I picked up my phone and called Leanne.
"I...." I said panting.

"Jimmy? What happened? Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Just come get me.... " I stopped because I had a horrible pain in my side.

"GET YOU WHERE JIMMY!" Leanne responded in a panic.

"At the end... of my block hurry."


I heard her mom asking where she was going in the back round. She just said 'JIMMY'S INTROUBLE!' and ran into her car. Leanne kept asking me what happened. I just kept saying 'don’t worry...just get here.'

She finally arrived. I had lost so much blood. I couldn't even stand. I kneeled on the pavement clutching my sides, and trying to find where I was bleeding most.

"JIMMY!" Leanne screamed getting out of the car, and running towards me. She looked at me, and saw how much blood I had lost.

"Jimmy I have to call 9-11! Why didn't you call them?" She said panicking while dialing the number.

"I was scared." I openly admitted. It was true that was the scariest I've ever seen my dad. I had never felt so much pain in my life. My vision became blurred. I heard Leanne's voice trying to keep me with her. I heard sirens and other people talking. Then it went black.

[Leanne's P.O.V.]

I went into a panic! Jimmy wasn't answering me anymore. The paramedics wouldn't let me go in the ambulance with him, so I ran home to tell my mom I was going to the hospital because her phone was off. I ran into the house hysterically crying.
"LEANNE! WHAT HAPPENED?" My mom rushed to me.

"I... need to go to... the hospital!" I said sobbing.


"Not for me! Jimmy's really hurt! I need to be there with him!" I said trying to push out the door. My mom was holding my arm.

"LEANNE! CALM DOWN!" She said making me look at her. I broke down crying.

"What happened to Jimmy Leanne?"

"I don't know! He wouldn't tell me, but I need to go!"

"You can't drive like this I will take you." She said taking my keys from my hand, and pulling me out the door.

I explained to her how I saw Jimmy, and what condition he was in. My mom worked at the nurse so she would try to find out what was going on. I was so scared I hadn't stopped crying, and I was hyperventilating.

We arrived at the hospital realizing I was covered in Jimmy's blood still. I tried to cover it with my jacket. My mom walked up the nurse’s desk, and asked about Jimmy Stain. She said he was in I.C.U. and she would let us know when he was okay. I sat in the waiting room with my mom, crying non-stop. I cried so much I ran out of tears.

*4 Hours later. *

My mom had left 2 hours ago, because she had to get some sleep. She was working late that night. I sat in the waiting room, thinking about how I almost kissed Jimmy. It felt so right, and I wish I did kiss him. I didn't want to bring it up and make it awkward. The nurse finally said I could go see him. I looked at the file outside his door, which said
'St., Jimmy.'
I thought it was funny because Jimmy is no saint.

I saw him lying in the bed with a thousand band aids. He looked so sore, so helpless, and so weak. I had never seen him like that. I ran over and gave him a hug.
"Thank god you're okay! I was so scared."

"No thank you! If you didn't call 9-11, I'd probably be dead."

"What happened Jimmy? Please tell me." I sat next to his bed, with tears in my eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said avoiding me.

"Listen I saved your life, the least you can do is tell me why I had to!"

"Fine! You want to know! My dad hates me because my mom died while giving birth to me. He blames me for it. So ever since I was little he would beat the shit out of me. Tonight he threw me against a mirror, and used the glass to basically stab me! Oh yeah and he kicked me like a dog! I'm glad you know now!" He said with tears flowing down his face. I stared at him speechless.

"Jimmy I'm.... I’m sorry." I said at a loss for words. I started crying again. He turned towards me again.

"Why are you crying?" He said softening his tone of voice.

"I hate this!" I said slamming my fist on a wall.


"I hate that someone treats my best friend like this!"

"Listen! Don't feel bad for me. I’m a big boy, I can handle myself."

"I don't care! I'm telling George, he's an attorney-"

"NO! YOU ARE NOT TELLING ANYONE ABOUT THIS!" He said sitting up and yelling at me.


"Leanne you don't understand he'll kill me!"

"Not if he’s in jail! Jimmy please! I hate seeing you like this."

"Leanne can i tell you something..."

"Of coarse.

"I'm scared. Like really scared. Please stay with me until I go home." He said opening his arms for a hug.
"Of coarse Jimmy." I said hugging him. He made room on the bed for me. I lay down next to him, and I was really tired so I fell asleep.