321 Breakdown

Count From Three

You’re shivering from between my fingers, face painted up with the pure innocence of a child. Oh, oh, oh, it must be tragic knowing someone saw right through your little mind tricks, waded through the fog of your faux virtue.

Mm, oh yes, so where do I begin? Darling angel girl, did you take me for a fool? As you laid with him, my fucking boyfriend of five years boy, for all those nights, did you once think I wouldn’t find out? All I had to do was pay attention to that goddamn cheating shit Matt’s new behavior, his long, long time away.

I’d walk across the paved roads; it was so late sometimes that only the street-lamps lit the way. Searching for him, so I could strangle the life out of his pretty throat, make sure he was alright, and oh, my scouting paid off. Sprawled on a local city bench, with you, my little sweet, in his lap, he was so very difficult to miss.

And now, I think we should play a game. Ah, you don't want to? Well that's too bad complain again and I'll kill you bitch, but I promise it will be fun! I'll bet he thought you were beautiful; your face is like porcelain, dear, easier to break.

What adorable curls you have! And they're still so lovely, even as tufts in my fists, plucked like the freaking whore splendid bird you are. My, your eyes. Little indigo sequin orbs -- they plip plip to the ground. But don't worry, all buttons pop sometime, princess.

Oh, stop your screaming! It's only the beginning, and we're having such a wonderful time. Your skin is so smooth; it could use a gash right here, on there to match. What are you crying about now? You want me to stop? It hurts? Well, nothing seemed to stop you from fucking him, that won't do at all!

Now, now, I brought a surprise. A nice little kitchen knife; the better to stab you with my dear. This might pinch a bit; hold on, love. He probably kissed you here and there and everywhere so we'll just scrape those marks right off. Wait, what was that? I can't understand, you're shrieking too loudly; oh, oh.

He told you he loved you, hm? Well, hate to break it to you slut, I'm sorry, but he was mine first, loves me more. Excuse me? He hates me? I'm a monster? I'll rip your tongue out just you say that again. You must be tired from all this playing. Yes, yes. It's alright, I'll forgive you.

I suppose we're done for the day, you seem exhausted. Goodness, I've realized I never asked your name! D-d-ella. Della, huh? Pretty name. My name's Jason, goodbye forever Della you piece of shit.

I'm sorry, Della, but you look positively terrible. But I know how to fix all that; by the time I'm through with you, you'll be radiant, glowing. This here match will do you good, hon. Just count from three, sweetie.

3-2-1 breakdown.
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Experimental, I guess?