Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love

About Me

Name: Paige Night
Nickname: People call her by her first or last name. Or Shadow.
About Paige: She has a dark past but I'll right about that in the next chapter. She is a vampyre or vampire, (However you want to spell it is fine) that drinks the blood of animals or a 'vegetarian' as she calls it. She has many gifts. She can run faster than most normal vampyres. She can also cast a spell or curse on anybody.
Looks: Well of course she has pale skin, golden eyes, long nails the look French manicured and never chip or break, perfect teeth, silkily ,beautiful, soft, brown hair, average height, curves in the right places.
Likes: Love, good people, other vampyres,humans,flowers,swimming at night, reading, writing, singing, making humans blush and heart beat faster when in her presence, the smell of brownies.
Dislikes :Meanness, rude, , bad people.
Habits: Cursing, giving the finger when angry
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Hi! Sorry it was so short but next chapter will be longer promise!