Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love


I bid my mother good night and went up the stairs. I walked at a human pace, in no rush what so ever. I went into my room and changed into my night clother, which was basically black shorts and a black t-shirt. I climbed into bed and tried to go to sleep. As I drifted to sleep, I kept thinking about the Cullens. But not all of them, mostly Edward Cullen. I thought of his bronze hair and crooked smile. How nice he was and how he welcomed me..they, I meant. The way they welcomed me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when I fell asleep.

I was in the forest, wearing what I wore to sleep. I heard a noise and went toward it to find something shocking. It was Edward Cullen, hunting. It was glorious and alittle scary. He had blood all over his face. His teeth were sunk into the neck of a young doe. He saw me watching and dropped his kill. He looked at me, shame in his eyes, "Paige...", he said. Next thing I know I'm in a ball room. It looks as if I was in Rome. Statues everywhere of the gods. I was suddenly swept out onto the dance floor and my partner and I began twirling like Ginger Rogers and Fred Astair. I leaned back to look at my partner. It was Edward Cullen. OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! I was freaking out on the inside but before I could say something, he spun me around and I began to laugh, him too. He dipped me and pulled me back up. He looked me in my eyes, the same golden color as mine. He slowly brought his face closer to mine, so close I could feel his breath on my face. Our lips were about to touch when, DING!!!!! My alarm clock was going off. I punched it so hard the peices went sailing through the room. I sighed and got up to get dressed, since taking showers was pointless. I put on some blue jean and a dark blue short sleeve t-shirt. I ran a brush through my haie and brushed my bangs into my eyes. I sped down the stairs and yelled, "Later Mom!" I didn't hear her reply as I ran out the door. I couldn't wait to see Rose, Alice, Emmett and Jasper. But I had a feeling that If I saw Edward, it would be alittle weird.