Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love

The Next Day

I got into my car and was about to drive off when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and saw it was my mother. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, I'm over at the Cullen's and I was gonna let you go to school, but Alice had a vision that the sun was gonna come out while you were at lunch. Come over the Cullen's with me. Esme and Carslisle can't wait to meet you and their children were asking about you. Will you come over?" She said this all in one breathe. I was still stuck on the part where they were asking about me. “Yeah, I come over. Should I come on foot or in a car?” I asked. “On foot, I’ll see you when you get here!” She hung up after that. I looked down at myself and saw what I wearing. In an instant, I sped upstairs and changed. I put on a short sleeve white shirt, a black half vest, black skinny jeans, and black flats with little white bows. I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded, satisfied. I grabbed my black clutch purse and sped out the door. I ran at normal vampire speed. I say normal vampire because one of my gifts is super speed. Once I got into the woods, I sped up. It was amazing. I followed my mother’s scent and once I saw the big, beautiful house, I needed no more guidance. I heard Emmett say, “Here she comes!” I laughed under my breath as he screamed, “HI PAIGE!” I smiled and said in a nice, amused voice “Hi Emmett.” I kept going until I was one foot away from the house. The parents were all on the porch, the kids just coming outside. I smiled once I saw then all pouring outside. Emmett ran up to me and scooped me up into a hug. I laughed as he spun me around. “Emmett, put her down! We want turns too!” Alice’s soft voice said. He did as she asked. I hugged her and said “Hi Alice!” She replied, “Hi, we missed you, if you couldn’t tell!” I nodded and said “I missed you guys too!” She released me to Jasper and I hugged him instantly. I don’t know what came over me but, I felt like hugging him. Then I remembered what he could do. He let me go so I could hug Rosalie. “Hey, Rose!” I said. “Hey, Paige!” She replied. She let me go and Edward stepped up and opened his arms. I went into them. I swore I heard him sigh as I wrapped my arms around him. He put his arms around me and laid his cheek on the top of my head. My right side of my face lay on his chest. I felt like I was being watched very, very closely. We both let go at the same time. I looked at him and he locked eyes with me. Everyone saw it and I heard the woman standing next to my mom whisper, “I see what they mean now!” I tried to ignore that. We stopped and I looked towards my mom. She grabbed the female’s hand and brought her toward me. “This is Esme, Esme this is my daughter Paige.” Esme hugged me. “Hello, it’s nice to finally meet you!” I replied, “You as well!” The blonde haired man walked up and stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Carslisle; it’s nice to meet you!” I took his and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you too, I’m Paige.” I looked at my mom and blocked her mind. Then I spoke in her mind, “I think Edward is so….Hot!” She smiled and so did I. “Secret.” I spoke aloud. She nodded and went to Esme and they walked inside together. “You wanna wrestle?” Emmett asked me. I smiled and walked over to him. “Who am I wrestling?” I asked him. “Edward, since you’re the only one whose mind he can’t get into so he can cheat.” Em replied. I smiled and walked up to Alice and asked her, “Could you hold my stuff? I’ll be finished in a second.” The boys laughed. I gave her my bag and my bracelets. I took my hair down and Rose raised an eyebrow. “It helps when my hair is down. If you want to know why, ask my mom.” She nodded and said, “After you kick his butt!” I nodded and went in front of Edward. “You have to pin me for ten seconds, rules are there are no rules. Tell us when to start.” He said. “Ding! Ding!” Emmett said. Edward looked into my eyes and his slightly widened. He must have seen the change in my eyes. He suddenly charged at my but I simply stepped out of the way. He growled and I giggled. I turned around and ran at him. I was about to tackle him when he caught one of my arms. As he threw me to the ground, I tripped him. We both fell and I put my hand on his stomach to keep him pinned down. He tried to bounce back up but he couldn’t get up. “C’mon Ed, you’ve got three more seconds!” Em said. I got back up at four seconds. I growled quietly and everyone seemed shocked that I did so. He winked and said, “Catch me if you can!”And ran off. “He really shouldn’t have done that.” I said calmly and began to run after him. I used my super speed and next thing I know, I’m right next to him. He did a double take and I smiled. I grabbed his forearm and threw him to the ground. Then I sat on top of him, facing the others. “1….2….3….4….5! Edward Cullen has lost his match, the crowd goes crazy!” Rose said. I hopped off of him and quickly tied my hair back into a ponytail. I felt my eyes go back to their original golden color. I leaned down and smirked at Edward. “Need a hand?” I asked. He smiled his crooked smile and grabbed my hand. I pulled him up and said, “That was fun.” He grunted and said, “I want a rematch later!” I laughed and nodded. We began to run at a slow pace. “Oh, I’ll race you back to the house!” He said. I smirked and said, “Ok.” I unblocked my mind and thought, “On your mark, get set, go!” And were off, hopping over fallen trees and over logs. I laughed out of happiness because I felt so free! And I was happy I didn’t have to run slow so others could keep up. We were right next to each other. I looked over at him to find him already looking at me. We kept running like that for a few seconds and he suddenly grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. We stopped running and slowed to a human pace. We stopped and looked at each other. “Paige?” he asked me. I noticed his mouth didn’t move, so I guessed he spoke into my mind. “Yes?” I replied in his mind. “I….I like you.” He said. “I like you too.” I replied quietly. We smiled at the same time. We started walking again. When we got to the house, his brothers and sister were on the porch. Edward rolled his eyes and smiled at me. I smiled back. “It’s about time! I couldn’t hide the vision much longer.” I raised one eyebrow. “When did you have the vision?” I asked. “Last night,” Jasper replied. “She was dancing around all night!’” He said. I looked the window and saw my mom and Esme quickly close the curtain. I shook my head and looked away. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me I looked to find Edward staring down at me. “Yes?” I asked. “I was just looking at how beautiful you are. I smiled and said, “You’re not too bad yourself.” He smiled and said, “You wanna have a tour of the house?” I nodded. He grabbed my hand and led me up onto the porch. “This is the porch!” He said. I smiled and nodded. He opened the door and said, “Ladies first.” I walked in to hear my mom and Esme giggling. I looked at Edward and he rolled his eyes. He put his hand on the small of my back. He showed me the living room, dining room, and kitchen. We began walking up the stairs and he showed me all the bedrooms, except his own. He said he wanted to, “Save the best for last.” I only shook my head and smiled. “Now, to the music room!” He said. I began to swing our hands and he laughed. I really like it when he laughed. He walked in and I followed. He had all the Instruments in here. Guitars, piano, harp, cello, violin, trumpet, tuba, you name it, he had it. I smiled, I love music. It’s my life and passion. “Do you play anything?” He asked me. “Yes,” I replied. “Anything in this room?” I nodded and said, “Everything.” I looked around the room and started toward a guitar, I looked at Edward for permission. He had a light in his eyes as he nodded. I picked up the guitar and began to play. I heard Edward gasp and I looked up and smiled. I played a few more notes and put it down. I went to the piano and played a song that came from my heart. I thought about Edward and I played the song just for him. As I finished, I heard several breathing. Everyone was in the music room, watching. I finished quickly and they clapped. I smiled sheepishly and nodded. “C’mon, I’ll show you my room.” I heard Emmett think, “Go Bro!” I sighed and walked behind Edward to his room. He looked in and released a big breath he had been holding. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in the room. He pulled me into him and I laughed. He shut the doo and said, “This is my room.” I looked around and thought, “Wow, for a guy’s room, it’s really clean.” He smiled. I looked at his bed which was unmade. I shrugged and continued looking. He had so many books and so much music. I could tell it was arranged by year and from a guess, personal preference with that time frame. “Your room is awesome!” He laughed and said, “That’s because I make it awesome.” I rolled my eyes and plopped down on his black couch. “Comfortable,” I sighed. He nodded and sat next to me. The couch was faced toward the window which showed the trees and the river. “Your room has a very nice view.” I said. He nodded and put his arm around me. We sat like that until the sun set and the sky turned a beautiful pink color. I looked at him and thought, with my mind blocked, “I ‘m really lucky to have someone like you.”
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I hope I gave you enough to read. Comments hepl <3