Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love

Slumber Party!

I looked at Edward and sighed. I felt so at ease. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled too. "I feel so peaceful with you." I said quietly. "I was thinking the same thing." He replied. I looked into his eyes and I felt like I could see his soul. He smiled and suddenly started tickling me. I screamed. "Edward!" He smiled and kept on going. I pushed his hands away and started running. I out the door and down the stairs. "Ahhhh!" I screamed. "Get back here!" Edward replied. Esme sighed happily and Jasper said,"They both feel so happy that I feel like dancing or something!" I laughed as Edward tripped. He bounced back up and countinued to chase me. Jasper suddenly laughed and motioned to Emmett to sit net to him. He was about to say something to Emmett when Edward said,"Jasper if you say anything,I'll tell Alice what your were thinking on monday." Jasper shut up. I laughed as Alice playfully glared at Edward. Suddenly I was being tackled by Edward. I giggled as he whispered,"I caught you!" In my ear. We landed on the couch behind Em and Jazz. He wound up on top of me,still tickling me. I laughed so much. I don't remeber the last time I laughed so much. "Oh,I think we should have a slumber party!" Rose said. I got Edward to keep his hands to his self and Jasper kept glancing back at us for some reason. "Great idea! Can I sleep over mom?" I said. She smiled and nodded. "Can she Esme?" Jasper asked. She nodded too. "C'mon I gotta go to my house and get some pj's!" We laughed and got up. Well,they got up while Edward wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back down. I looked at him over my shoulder to see he was pouting. Alice and Rose tried to keep from laughing. "Stay with me please? Pretty please?" He asked. I almost said yes. Alomst. "I have to get my stuff. I'll be back." I said. "Promise?" He said. I smiled and nodded. "Hurry back to me." He let me go and I got up and walked toward Rose and Alice but, I hesitated at the door. I could feel Edward's gaze on my back. Alice yanked me out of the door by my hand. "Dang!" Edward said. We began to run and in no time,we were there. "How long do you want me to stay?" I asked. "Well,today's friday so how about from today to monday?" I nodded. They were about to walk through onto the pourch when I,"No. We gotta go in through the window." We walked to the side and jumped into the window. I grabbed some outfits,shoes,and bras and panties. "Oooh are these for Edward?" Alice said,holding up a set that I put in my bag. I snatched it,embarresed. "No! It's just that these are the only type of things I buy to wear." "Do you have pj's?" Rose asked. "Yeah!" I pulled out a black beater,black shorts,and a pair of black footies. "Nice." said Alice. I put it all in the bag. "Well,let's get back cause' I have a million party games!" Alice said. Uh-Oh was the only thing I could think.
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Hope you like it! Comments are nice and I decided to change the story around alittle so my version of Edward will be alittle different. L8ter!!