Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love


Edward's P.O.V (after the kiss)
I felt awesome. I finally had my first kiss. After all this time, I finally did it! Em,and Carlisle kept staring at me while I was in my dazed state. The suddenly, they began talking at once. "THAT'S MY BRO! YOUR THE MAN!" Emmett yelled. "THAT'S MY BOY! WHAT WAS IT LIKE SON?" Carlisle said. Like he didn't know what a kiss was like. Him and Esme kissed in front of us so many times I thought I would die from watching it. "It was.....amazing. At first I kept thinking I wasn't going about it the right way. But once my lips touched hers." I stopped mid-sentence, feeling weird. Em looked at me and I knew I would be teased for months to come. Carlisle looked at me with understanding. "Finish son." He urged me. "Once my lips touched hers, it just felt so right." I smiled as I replayed the scene in my mind. How I longed to kiss her lips once more already. I sighed as Emmett began teasing me. I looked out the window to see that it had gotten dark quickly. "Can we go hunting?" I heard Paige say to Rose. "That's just what I need!" she replied. They both zoomed down the stairs and into the living room. "Any one wanna go hunting with us?" Rose asked. We all got up and said our answers. "Where's Alice?" I asked. Rose and Em shrugged and so did Paige and Carlisle. We went out the door and we were off. I smiled as I ran through the trees and over logs. I looked at Paige and she was as happy as I was. Once we got near a small field filled with different prey. Mountain Lion, Deer, Buck and other things too. We sniffed the air and selected our prey. I was about to pounce on a mountain lion when I decided to watch Paige hunt. She was beautiful and deadly all at once. She ran fluidly over to her prey. It didn't even notice how near she was! Once she was about to bite, her prey began to run. She smiled and chased after it . It was a surprisingly hot thing to watch. The way she pounced on it, the way she ran her teeth across its neck. When her teeth bit into its neck, a wave of an emotion I didn't know washed over me. Her teeth went into its neck as if it was butter. I came back to reality to see I was biting my lip. I ran and pounced onto my prey and satisfied the burn in my throat. Suddenly, a smell wafted through the air and as instant hiss flew out of me. It was them. The werewolves.
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Sorry it's so short!! ^_^