Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love


I kissed Edward on the cheek and went with Rosalie so get ready to the party. "I can't believe you knew Jacob's grandfather. That's crazy!" Rose said. "Yeah I know! His grandfather and I were close. He was like a father to me. But, Jacob looks just like him! His father does too but, I'm pretty sure he's gotten old by now." Rose nodded. I used my vampire speed and changed into a black tank top, jean shorts, flip flops and a black jacket. Rose had on the same thing I did but her shirt was red. I smiled and her and she smiled back. She was standing in the mirror, fixing her hair. I stood next to her and bumped her out of the way. She growled playfully and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed the comb off the sink and began combing my hair. As I did this, I began to sing a song. I was still combing my hair and I didn't know my singing got louder until I noticed Edward standing in the doorway. "Oh! You scared me!" I said. He smiled and said, "I like your hair. You look beautiful." I looked in the mirror and saw that I combed a little bit of my hair over my right eye and it brought out the natural highlights in my hair. "Thank you. You look good too." I replied. He had on long jean shorts and a blue t-shirt. "C'mon guys, let's go!" Alice yelled. I looked at Edward and smiled. "Can I have a piggyback ride?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and said, "Hop on!" I smiled and jumped onto his back. He ran at a human pace out of the bathroom and began making car noises. I laughed as we ran down the steps and around the living room. "Alright, let's go!" Jasper said. "To be honest, I was afraid you two were having a make-out fest in my bathroom!" Rose said. I was about to say something when Edward said, "I was going to when I heard her singing. She sounds like an angel." I blushed as he said that. I jumped down from Edward's back. "Is it true that you sing?" Esme asked. "Yes but, I like playing instruments better." I replied. She nodded and said, "Let's get going!" I walked out of the door and began running. I could hear the others behind me. I sniffed the air and smelled that wet dog smell and followed it. I heard Emmett say to Rose, "She even runs fast like him! Match made in heaven!" I laughed. In a few minutes, we were at the treaty line. The others went ahead and I stayed in the back. "Who's the other female in the back?" I heard Ephraim say. I smiled and walked from behind Carslisle. "I thought you'd remember me by now." I said. The elders gasped as I walked up to Ephraim. He smiled and said, "Paige, I can't believe this!" I smiled. "It's you! From the legend! Oh my goodness!" a boy said. "Paige! You came!" Jake said. "I told I was coming!" I replied. "I want to see the other you. The vampire I remember." Atera said. I looked at the werewolves that I didn't know. "Please, don't attack me." I said. As I took away my human look, I could hear them all holding their breath.I closed my eyes as I did so. I was back to normal and I opened my eyes. The werewolves I didn't know had their mouths wide open and their eyes wide. I smiled as I heard Edward growl. "You can let your breath go, I still smell human." I said in my musical vampire voice. They did as I said. "Here is the legend of the that saved me. Even though the smell of my blood was in the air, she saved me. She saved me when I was a human. She fought against her lust for human blood and saved me. I am forever in her debt for that." I turned back into a human and rolled my eyes. "It was not that big of a deal. I was just doing what I thought was right. And your not in my debt, your just really thankful and if I ever need anything, I will come to you for guidance." I finished. After that we all started talking and got to know everyone. We played volleyball and other games. We were there for hours and decided to play one more game before we left. "Alright were playing hide and seek." A super cute and nice werewolf named Seth said. "Yes!" Jasper said. "Jazz, don't even think about cheating and using your powers!" Alice said. Jasper sighed and nodded. "Alright, Me, Embry and Jake are it. 1,2,3,4,." As they counted to ten, I ran into the woods and into the trees.I heard Edward behind me. I tried to out run him but, he caught my wrist and stopped me as if I was a baby trying to walk. He didn't even jerk to a stop! I gave in and turned to look at him. I looked into his eyes and smiled softly. He smiled and put his hands on my waist and began pushing me. I walked along with him, not caring where we were going. As long as I was with him. My back softly hit a tree as he pressed his body against mine. I felt myself blush as he did so. He slowly lowered his face to mine and I blushed even more. I could feel his warm breath on my face and then his lips were on mine. His arms wound around my waist, my arms went around his neck. I smiled in the kiss and I felt him smile too. He broke the kiss only to kiss me again. I could hear Jacob coming. Edward must have heard him too because he wrapped my legs around his waist and jumped up into the branches of the tree we were leaning on. I tried my very best not to laugh at the expression on his face. "I know you guys are in here! I heard you two smooching!" A small giggle burst out of me. He looked around but didn't look up. He cursed and ran out of the woods. Edward and I dropped out of the tree and I tried to get down. Edward didn't let go. I kissed him and pressed myself against him. He growled softly and pushed us back against the tree. I sadly broke the kiss and whispered, "We have to get back." He sighed and nodded. I was about to climb down when Edward started carrying me bridal style. I squealed and he laughed. I sighed and rested my head on his chest. "You bring out feelings in me that I didn't even know I had." Edward said. I drew small circles on his chest with my finger. "You also. I feel so.....I don't even know what to call it." I said. "I think I know what to call it!" Jasper said suddenly. I ignored him and looked up at where we were. We were back with the group now. "I heard you guys in the woods but I couldn't find you! You were having a make out session then poof! You were gone!" Jake said. I heard Esme laugh. I only closed my eyes and put my head against Edward's chest. I could feel Edward walking. "Paige is tired. She and I were gonna go back to my room so we could go to sleep." Edward said. I yawned and sighed. "Can I at least get a hug?" a voice said. It was Sam. I woke right up. "Sam?!?" I said. He laughed. I looked up at Edward. He looked at me, kissed my forehead and put me down. I ran to him and I could hear him running to me. I jumped onto him and he had to steady us. "HI SAM!!!!!!" I screamed. "HIYA PAIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed back. I smiled, using my full blown vampire beauty. I heard his heart studer and I also heard Edward growl. "I missed you Sammy! How old are you now, like a million?" The others were still laughing because I called him Sammy. Suddenly, I was taken out of Sam's arms and in Edward's arms. I looked up at Edward's face and he looked furious. "What is it?" Em asked. He just looked at Sam. I sighed. "He was thinking something Edward didn't like." I said. They all nodded. I put my hand on the side of his face and his glare softened. "You still wanna try sleeping?" I asked. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Come. It's time to go home." Carlisle said. I gave everyone their hugs and poofed up my car. I didn't feel like running. All the werewolf guys ran over and tried to get in it. I put up a force field just as they all jumped at my car. They landed on the force field like puppies on glass. We laughed as they peeled themselves off. "That's my baby! Don't ever do that again, or else!" I said. They all nodded. I poofed us into the car just in case they tried to jump in with us. They just sighed. "Well, until we meet again Paige." Sam said. I nodded and waved goodbye. I saw Seth smiling as always. I blew him a kiss and he blushed. Edward growled slowly. "C'mon Edward, he's like a brother to me now! And he's so sweet!" I said. Edward looked at me and smiled and I returned it. We drove home. We got to the house and I smiled. "Sleeping is really fun!" I said. Edward raised an eyebrow. "Why?" he asked. I only shook my head and said, "You'll see!"
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Hope u like it!!!