Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love

The Past

Well,my name is Paige Night. In body I'm 17 but, ni years I'm 108. My past is very dark. I have done many things I'm not suppose to. I've lied,stolen and killed. But, I have a reason for doing so. I'll tell you how I became a vampyre first. It was a dark night June 11th in 1918. I was walking alone to go to doctor friend of my mother's to get medicine for her because she was ill. I got to his house and he instantly gave methe medicine and said, "Hurry home Paige. It's getting chilly and I don't want you to become ill like your mother." He was like a father to me and he was my role model. "Yes sir!" I replied. He chuckled and patted my head. I giggled and began walking home. It wasn't a far journey and I was home before I knew it. I walked into my home and said, "Mother, I have what Ineed to make you well again!", but I got no reply. "Mom?" I said. ran upstirs and saw a sight I couldn't belive

. It was a very pale man. His hair slick and black as night. His mouth was connected to my mother's neck. I stood there in shock of the image before me. Blood running down his chin and most of his neck. He then pulled away satisfied and sighed. He then looked at me with shock in his eyes. I pulled out of my shock and began running. I was fairly fast when I was a human. I couldn't hear him but I could sense him behind me. I was running faster than ever,but I tripped. I fell onto my back and groaned in pain. He was next to me, whipping hair out of my face. "So your her daughter huh? You smell better than she ever did. And very beautiful." I stayed quiet as he moved his hand down theside of my face. "But I have decided not to kill you. Instead I will give you a gift. You will have the gift of immortailty and beauty." Then without warning,he put his teeth into my neck, I screamed. It was the most painful thing you could ever go through. It was as if I swallowed gasoline and a match at the same time. I convulsed in pain and did another scream in angony. I t was the type of scream that peirced the soul, yet no one came.Except a woman. She was pale and had the same color hair as I did. Her eyes were a beautiful golden color. She looked around in the night and then approached me. I began to cry for the pain inside me did not cease. I closed my eyes and thought "What is happenineg to me?" About three days later, I woke up and hence a new vampyre was born.
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I know it's ssssssoooooooooo lllooooongggg but my creativity was flowing. COMMENTS PLEASE!!!!