Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love


After hunting some mountain lion in the forest, I got dressed for school. Unlike other vampires, such as the nomads, my mother and I have centuries of self control. I put on some black skinny jeans, my all black converse and a white shirt with a black vest. I t was the middle of the year and I was the new girl, fucking awesome. I sighed as I picked up my book bag full of school stuff I might need. It was time for me to go. “I’m leaving mom.” I said, knowing she could hear me no matter what. She zipped down the stairs and pulled me into a hug. “I hope you have a good day. I love you.” She said. “I love you too mom.” I picked up my car keys. I love my car. I pressed the button to make the doors open and I hopped in. Already knew my way to the school because I checked it out last night. I decided to be early so I can get what I need and get on with my day. I pulled into the parking lot and then I smelled them, the other vampires. I got out of my car, turning up my I-pod touch. I was listening to Stick Stickly by Attack Attack! I looked over at them to find them staring at me. I looked one of them in the eyes and gasped as did the other person. Their eyes are golden like mine. I sensed that they had a mind reader. We need to talk. I thought. Someone gasped. We’ve been having a stare down for about five minutes now. I heard someone think’ I love her style!’ I spoke in her mind, Thank you. She gasped. I know lots of gasping. I nodded in their direction and walked to the office. As I got there I received stares from students and teachers’ alike, mostly male students and teachers. I received a few wolf whistles as I walked and I thought, this is gonna be a long year.