Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love


I walked into the office at a slow, human pace. I noticed the teachers looked really young. They looked like they could be in their mid - twenties. I walked up to a flustered looking guy at the counter. This was one of my favorite things to do with humans. I like to make them blush and nervous. I smiled at the guy and his heart faltered before picking up double time. "Hello, I was wondering if you could help me." I said sweetly. 'I can help you in any way you wan!' He thought. Gross. "Yes, what is it you need?" He asked, voice shaking. I felt eyes on me and I sniffed the air. It was the other vampires. "I'm a new student and I need my papers. I'm Paige Night." I said offering a smile. His heart stopped for a full 10 seconds and started up again, faster than a humming bird's wings. "One moment please." He said. I waited until I couldn't take the eyes on me and I turned around swiftly. I looked into someone’s eyes and sighed. I spoke into the girl's mind. 'I believe it will be best to speak somewhere alone. Perhaps we should go around he back of the school at lunch?" The girl nodded and told her family who nodded as well. I went back to the desk just as the man came back. "Here we are, Ms. Night." He said a lot calmer than the last time we spoke. He handed me the papers and I made sure our skin never touched."Thank you, sir." I said. "You're quiet welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here at Forks High." I nodded and walked off. I studied my schedule and put it away. I had it memorized in seconds. My first class was Science with Mr. Lionburger. These teachers have some funny names. I walked into class 2 minutes late since I was the 'new kid'. The class stopped talking as I walked to the teacher's desk. The only sound I could hear is their beating hearts, breathing and the chain on my jeans. "Um, hi. My name is Paige Night and I believe I have this class. I took out my schedule and handed it to him. "Yes, you do have this class Ms. Night. Here is you text book and I have a seat right here for you." I walked behind him down he isle, textbook in hand. He sat me next to a window and boy who was having a bad hair day. The teacher went back to the front of the room to finish teaching. I tuned him out until he asked me a question. I took the answer from his mind without looking at him, "Metric Stairs." I said. “Very good Ms .Night." He said. I tuned him out the rest of the class. Next I had Math with Mrs. Clitte. These names were real 'gut busters' as my mom would say. The class flashed by in the blink of and eye. Next was one of my favorite classes. Art with Ms. Dogdick. I laughed out loud (lol) at that name. As I walked to class, I heard people thinking about how good I looked and how much I looked like the Cullen's. So that was the other vampire’s name. Well, their family name. I walked into art and up to the teacher. "Hello I'm Paige Night and I believe I have this class." I said. She looked on her roll list and nodded. 'SHE'S GOURGEOUS!' her mind yelled at me. I smiled and followed her to the seat she had chosen for me."Can you draw?" She asked me. "Yes. I draw, paint, color and do self portraits." I said."Very well." She said and walked away. The other students began to come in and that's when I saw him. He was beautiful. From the top to the bottom. Starting with his bronze hair and golden eyes. I looked at his face, avoiding his gaze. He face was perfect. His nose perfect, everything perfect. He cam to sit next to me pushing a notebook toward me. In a beautiful script it said 'Hello my name is Edward Cullen and my family and I wish to welcome you to Forks.' I smiled and replied in a script just as nice, 'Thank you for welcoming me and I appreciate it greatly.' Just then the teacher began the instructions. "We will be doing portraits of a partner sitting next to you. Oh, and class, we have a new student. Please stand, Ms. Night." I stood so the class could get a good look of me. "Hi. I'm Paige." I said shyly, offering a sheepish grin. They all had dazed looked on their faces. I sat back down and pulled out my drawing pad. "Well, you may begin." the teacher said. She turned on some music and the class began to start. I looked at Edward and said, "Do you wish to start first or should I?" I asked him. "Ladies first." He said softly. I looked at him and said, "Smile please." He laughed and showed m the most beautiful crooked smile I had ever seen. I drew his face before adding the realistic features such as shadows and texture. "May I see it please?" He asked and took the pad from my hands. I looked down shyly. I heard him gasp and say "It's wonderful!" I looked up. “Really?” I asked. "Yeah!" "Well, thank you." "Okay, now it's my turn." I smiled and looked at him. 'She takes my breath away.' I heard him think. I would've blushed if I could but thank goodness I can't. "Let me help you." He said and began moving his hands toward me. He touched my cheek lightly and I felt a small shock and tingle on my face. He moves my face until he thinks it's just right. "Now smile." he said. I smiled and so did he. "Perfect." he breathed. He began drawing and looking at me. A determined look on his face. Finally, he was done. "I hope you like it." he said in his smooth, velvet voice. I looked at the picture. It was as if I was looking in the mirror. The light of my eyes, my smile, everything. I smiled and looked from the picture to Edward. "Do you like it?" he asked. "No", I said. "I love it!" His smile could've lit the whole world. "Now Ms. Night and Mr. Cullen let's see your drawings." We held them up at the same time and I heard a girl squeal, "Their perfect!" The bell rung and we all gathered out things and handed in our work. We walked out of the room together in a comfortable silence. "Well, I suppose it's time for my family and I speak with you." he said. "Yes, so they can come out of hiding." I said. 'Hiding?' he thought. I waved my hand in front of me and his family appeared. They all looked at me shocked. I began to feel embarrassed. "Guys, were embarrassing her." the blond male said. "My name is Jasper." he said. "I am Paige Night. My mother and I mean no trouble. To be honest, we've never met any other 'vegetarians' before." They all let out a breath of relief. "We've only met one other clan in Denali." Jasper said. "Well, you know me and Edward. The blond is Rosalie, the pixie here is Alice, and the big guy over there is Emmett." They nodded and said their hello's. "Well, if it helps my mother is working at Forks Hospital as an assistant to another doctor. His name is Carlisle I believe." "Whoa, he's our father." Alice said. "Really? Whoa, this is weird." I said. We talked for the rest of lunch about ourselves and told jokes and things like that. They were really fun to be around. "You and your mother have to visit us." Rosalie said. "Yea. I'd like that a lot." I gave both Alice and Rosalie hugs. I got a soft punch from Emmett and a handshake from Jasper. But, when it came to Edward's turn, I didn’t want to leave. He opened his arms and I walked into them. I felt a sense of longing. I heard Jasper suck in a breath and I blocked his mind. 'Please, say or think nothing of this. Please.' I said in his mind. He nodded and I unblocked his mind. I stepped out of Edward's arms and said," It was truly nice to meet you and I might take you up on that offer Alice." She nodded and whispered something to Rose and they both looked at me with hope in their eyes. I then sped off to my car and drove off. This was the best day ever.
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Messages and comments are nice an make me update faster! Hope you like it!!!