Status: Need Ideas! Help?

Vampyre Love

Art Class (Edward'sP.O.V)

I had just been released from English and now I was on my way to my favorite class, art. As I walked into the room I took a deep breath and I smelled her. Paige Night was her name, and I have to admit that Night is an awesome last name. I began walking to the back of the room to the empty spot next to her. It is my seat after all. I pushed a notebook with a note inside from me. It read 'My name is Edward Cullen and my family and I wish to welcome you to forks.' We didn’t want to start any trouble and I have a feeling she didn't either. She smiled when she was reading the note and if my heart was beating again, it would've stopped. This feeling I'm having is vey new to me. I have never felt this before, whatever it is I'm feeling. These thoughts were so quick, she was just handing the notebook back to me. In beautiful script, it read, ‘Thank you for welcoming me. I appreciate it greatly.’ The teacher had just begun giving the instructions. "We will be doing portraits of a partner sitting next to you. Oh, and class, we have a new student. Please stand, Ms. Night.” Paige stood up and said, “Hi, I’m Paige.” She gave the class a sheepish smile and the class had dazed looks on their faces. She sat back down and the teacher said. “"Well, you may begin." the teacher said. She turned on some music and the class began to start. “Should you start or should I?” she asked. Her voice sounded like that of an angel. “Ladies first.” I said softly. She looked at me and said, “Smile Please.” I laughed and smiled my usual smile. She looked at me for a good minute exactly began drawing. She looked at my face again and drew a little more. I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to see the picture. “May I see it please?” I asked politely. I took the pad from her hands. She said nothing but when I looked at the picture, I gasped and she looked up. “It’s wonderful!” I said. “Really?” she asked. How silly, it’s perfect. “Yeah!” I said. “Well, thank you.” She said. “Okay, now it’s my turn.” I said. She smiled and I thought ‘She takes my breath away.’ She was still smiling but she just wasn’t in the right light yet. “Let me help you.” I suggested. I moved my hands toward her face and when our skin made contact, I felt a shock and tingle move through my body. I wonder if she felt it too. I positioned her face just so. “Now smile.” I said satisfied. She did and her smile made me want to smile too, so I did. “Perfect.” I breathed. I began drawing and looking at her. I imagine I had a look of determination on my face, I could feel it. Finally, I was finished my masterpiece. I t was a masterpiece because it was of the one and only Paige Night. Just thinking of her and even her name set tingles running through me. “I hope you like it.” I said, suddenly nervous. She looked at it and looked at it. “Do you like it?” I asked. “No,” she said and all confidence left me. “I love it!” She finished. I smiled so proud of myself and happy to make her happy. The teacher interrupted my moment. “Ms. Night and Mr. Cullen let’s see your pictures. We stood up and showed our pictures. A girl squealed, “Their perfect!” The bell rung and we all gathered out things and handed in our work. We walked out of the room together in a comfortable silence. "Well, I suppose it's time for my family and I speak with you." I said. “Yes,” she said. “So they can come out of hiding.” ‘Hiding?’ I thought. Jasper had a power of making himself and everyone he wanted, invisible. She waved her hand and they all appeared. We all looked at her in shock. How’d she do that? “Guys, were embarrassing her.” Jasper said. “I am Jasper.” "I am Paige Night. My mother and I mean no trouble. To be honest, we've never met any other 'vegetarians' before." She said shyly. We all let a breath of relief. We were all very tense. "We've only met one other clan in Denali." Jasper said. "Well, you know me and Edward. The blond is Rosalie, the pixie here is Alice, and the big guy over there is Emmett." The others nodded and said small ‘hellos’. "Well, if it helps my mother is working at Forks Hospital as an assistant to another doctor. His name is Carlisle I believe." Paige said. ." "Whoa, he's our father." Alice said. “Really? Whoa this is weird." Paige said. We talked for the rest of lunch about ourselves and told jokes and things like that. They were she was really fun to be around. "You and your mother have to visit us." Rosalie said. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot." Paige replied. She gave both Alice and Rosalie hugs, got a soft punch from Emmett and a handshake from Jasper. But when it came my time to leave her, I felt a sense of longing. I opened my arms and she gracefully walked into them. I heard Jasper suck in a breath. I tried to go to his mind, but it was blocked. I looked down at Paige and she was looking at Jasper, who nodded. Wonder what that was. She stepped out of my arms. She said," It was truly nice to meet you and I might take you up on that offer Alice." She nodded and whispered something to Rose and they both looked at her with hope in their eyes. Something’s going on here and I want to find out. I went into each of their minds but they were thinking about clothes or sports. She suddenly sped of and I heard her car speeding off. “She’s awesome.” Alice. Rose nodded in agreement. “Yes, she is.” I said, my voice sounded distant and I realized I was still staring after her. I cleared my throat and looked away, embarrassed. “Awww, widdle Eddie is embarrassed!” Jasper said. “Oh, shut up will you?” I said. “Whatever, Ed,” was his reply. We all began walking out to our cars. I had a sudden thought, ‘I miss her already’. I shook it out of my head and began driving my family home. When we got home, they spilled the beans to my mom and Jasper whispered something to her and she smiled and said, “Finally.” I wonder what their talking about. Well, I’ll find out sooner or later.
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Hope you likie!!! COMMENTS ARE NICE! PLEASE?